Hiding and Confiding

371 7 1

Riker's pov


I groaned. Vanessa chuckled.

I glared at the doorway.

Just then, Ratliff, Rocky, Laura, Ross and Rydel toppled ontop of each other in the doorway.


"Oops."Ratliff says.

"Dude! Why did you push?" Rocky said to Ross.

"I didn't-


Vanessa giggles and I blush.

Mainly because I love her giggle.

"Juicy part?"I ask, amused.

"Yeah,"Rydel says in a duh tone. "You were about to spill your deep feelings for her, she would kiss you just to inturrupt your rambling on about if she didn't want to date you, as how pathetic-

"Enough!Thanks Rydel!"I say sarcastically,"Why are you all here anyway?"

"Because we uh, live here! Duh!Obviously! Idiot..."Rocky dumbly insults.

"By the way, it was all Rydel's idea." Ross clarifies.

Rydel gives him a death stare.

"Um, ok. Now idiot says to other idiots: get out."I say.

They all walk backwards.

"Um, now I'm confused. Who's the idiot now?"Rocky asks.

I see Laura face palm herself.


"Oh, ok. Thanks."

I turn back to Vanessa.

I sigh.

"Uh, you know what Rydel said,"She starts. Oh no! Here we go..."Is it true?"

I take a deep breath.

"Uh, yes."I say more like a question than a statement.

Her eyes bright up.

"I..I..I think...I really like..."

I close my eyes.

"Oh who am I kidding?! I'm deeply in love with you Vanessa Marano! I love you so much that I would and will do anything for you. I ask you to be mine, and please this idiotic young man by accepting his invitation for you to be his girlfriend."

I hear her giggle. I open my eyes only to close them again as she presses her lips on mine.

It. Was. Wonderful.

Yep, Ross was right. I felt her emotions. She was somewhat, pleased?

"Too formal. Cute when you address yourself in third person." She admits, "but sweet. Very sweet."

"What? My lips or -

"Your speech, you dumbo!"

She laughs.

"Oh right."

I hear a loud "AWWWW!" From the hallway - obviously our siblings.

"Rydel, Laura and Rocky?"

"Yep, that's us, Aww-ers."Rocky admits.


Ratliff's pov

Yeah, Rydel has become really busy lately. I feel like...she doesn't have time for me anymore...

I walked into the kitchen but backtracked my steps into the hallway to eardroff on Rydel's phone conversation.

(Eardroffed: I learnt that big word from Rocky)

I heard:

Rydel say, "Hey! How are you!"She giggled."I know I just saw you! But anybody could be eavesdropping!"

She said it wrong!

"Yeah, I can't wait! We're going to have so much fun! No, he doesn't know. He doesn't have a clue! Ok, bye! See you soon!"

She looked around until I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Del."

"Um, hi."She fidgeted.

"Who were you talking to-

"My friend Lily!"She said quickly.

"Um. Okaaaay."

"Sorry. Ok, I'm just going to be in my room." She gave me a quick kiss and ran off.

Why was she being so strange?!

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