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It seemed as if we had been walking in circles as we passed trees we had clearly passed already.

Thorin had sent Bilbo up the trees to see if he could find a way out, and if so, how far we were away from exiting the dark forest.

Then it happened as fast as blinking. Large creatures attacked, biting into our legs to paralyze us.

I turned and saw that it was a large spider spinning me into a webbed cocoon of sorts.

A loud scream ripped threw me at seeing the hideous monsters.

"MAECEL!" Thorin yelled angrily.

There was nothing any of us could do. I worried for us but worried the most for Bilbo, we would all surely die, but he would descend the trees and find no one, he would end up wandering the Mirkwood until he either dies or is killed, alone and frightened.

As I closed my eyes to surrender to the impending death, vicious screeches sounded and I looked up as best I could, I didn't see anything specifically, only the large spiders dying and falling to the ground. Before I knew it Bilbo appeared and he cut me out and I made quick work to release the others.

"I told you I'd protect you." I teased as Thorin hugged me once I released him.

The spiders were many and we instantly began fighting them as we also searched for Kíli, he was no where to be found.

"Stay near me." Thorin shouted to me and I didn't dare defy him as I stepped closer and shot my arrows back to back with him.

My bow was knocked out of my hand and I left Thorins side only to retrieve it, but in that instant a man with long blonde hair slide expertly down a rope and held his bow and arrow to Thorins head.

"Do not think I won't kill you dwarf, it would be my pleasure." The stranger said smoothly.

But I was just as quick as I grabbed one of my knives and placed it against his throat "and do not think I won't slice your neck open."

Neither of us moved, I looked at Thorin straight in the eye, I knew he wanted me to kill this man, even if doing so would mean his own death as the arrow would be released and pierce through his skull.

That was until a swarm of more men approached and held bows and arrows to the rest of the guys.

"Remove your blade you wench of a Dwarf or watch your friends die." The man said.

I didn't have to look to Thorin because we both knew that I had no choice now, I slowly removed my knife and the man turned to face me, he seemed stunned and then grabbed my arm to push me with the rest of them.

We all heard the scream and it was Fíli who reacted "KÍLI!"

I tensed up knowing that there was nothing we could do without getting killed by the Mirkwood elves.

But a female with hair of brown near the same as mine, appeared and made quick work of the spiders that attacked Kíli.

"Search them."

They took my bow and quiver as well as my sword, and all three of my throwing knives. For the first time I was absolutely without a weapon and I felt completely bare.

"What is an Elf of Rivendell doing with Dwarf scum?"

I ignored the elf who I had to surrender to.

"No matter you will be talking soon enough." He arrogantly added before taking Thorin's sword, He spoke in an elvish tongue "this is an ancient elvish blade, forged by my kin." He said with obvious interest, then be dropped the elvish and reverted back to the common tongue, "where did you get this?"

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