Tartarus Awakened

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  Just then, a rumble shook the ground. "WHO DARES AWAKEN THE GREAT LORD OF HELL, TARTARUS?"
I replied calmly,"I dare. I dare to stand against you. My name is Perseus Jackson.
I heard a voice mutter,"Oh crud." As the figure appeared from the depths of the pit, I recognised him immediately. It was Tartarus. He had finally appeared. However, he flowed with new energy.
I brandished my blade yet again and sliced through his chest. He merely laughed. The God of the Stinking Pit had apparently been blessed by the Olympians to try to take me down. "Hmph. Nothing much." I thought.
Oh, how wrong I was. The power that coursed through him was the power of his domain. The pit. I called for Nico and he appeared in front of me. His hair whipping across his face and his dark sullen eyes emanated a fearful pulse. He had been talking to the ghosts again. "Hey Nico. I need you to do that shadow thing. Send Tartarus somewhere bright and sunny."
As the darkness rose around us, we teleported to Mexico. As his power waned like the moon, I stabbed him through the chest. He disintegrated and cried out his final words,"CURSE YOU JACKSON. I WILL BE BAAAAAAAAAAA......"
Another god gone. Well, good riddance. He wasn't much good as a god anyway.

Percy Jackson:Guardian of the Moon #2Where stories live. Discover now