DDM Narry

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Dad: Niall
Papa: Harry
Age: 3
Watch me.


Niall sighed as he watched Harry play dolls with their daughter, Y/n.

"Dad, come and play!" Y/n said, holding out a doll.

Niall was about to join when he saw the glare he was getting from Harry.

"Go away." Harry mouthed.

Niall sighed once again, stepping back. "I would love to join, love. But, I have to get started on dinner. I'll play soon though, promise." He said and smiled softly.

"Oh. Ok, dad. Look, papa, Princess Sleeping Beauty needs her handsome prince." Y/n said as she handed Harry the Prince Charming doll.

Niall felt the tears brimming in his eyes, he and Harry have been arguing for these past few months, but they try to look happy in front of Y/n, but last night was the worst fight they had, Harry telling him to 'go away' in front of Y/n was something new.

He headed into the kitchen and got the stuff to make spaghetti.

"Dad, papa is away to go shower, can you play dolls with me now?" Y/n asked, holding out a doll.

Niall smiled softly, placing the pasta down, making sure he kept the oven off and took the doll.

Y/n smiled and headed back into the living room.

Ten minutes have past and Harry headed back down, stopping in his tracks when he saw Niall.

"Papa!" Y/n called happily, and ran up to him.

"I thought you were making the dinner?" Harry asked Niall, picking up Y/n and avoiding eye contact with Niall.

"Y/n wanted me to play dolls," Niall mumbled in reply.

"Well, I'm back now, go make the dinner." Harry said, snatching the doll out of Niall's hand and sat back down, placing Y/n next to him.

Niall let out a shaky sigh and headed back into the kitchen.

Niall wanted this all to stop. He wants to be the happy family that they once were again. 

The rage began to fill up, Niall's eyes were going a darker blue, his face going red with anger, his jaw tensing, his fists clenching.

He saw red when he knocked the pot off of the cooker. "UGH!" He yelled as he picked up a glass and chucked it all the wall, watching it smash.

He heard little footsteps run upstairs, hearing little sobs.

"Y/n!" Niall called, going towards the stairs to get her but Harry pulled him back by the collar of his hoodie.

"What the fuck are you playing at?!" Harry asked as he glared at Niall.

Niall pushed Harry out of his grip. "Don't fucking touch me!" He spat.

"Do you know how much you scared her!? The grip she had on my arm, she clung onto me for dear life!" Harry said.

"Well, let me go upstairs and I'll talk to her." Niall said.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter!" Harry spat, pushing Niall away from the stairs.

Niall let out another shaky sigh, Harry was testing his patience, he was seeing red again. "She's my daughter as well." He said.

"Not if you pull a stunt like that again." Harry argued.

"Papa." Y/n whispered from the top of the stairs.

Harry's head snapped and and he ran upstairs, picking Y/n up.

"Come on, love, let's go see granny Anne, and aunt Gemma." Harry said softly, kissing her cheek. "Niall go pack her bag for me."

"You're not taking her away from me." Niall said, folding his arms.

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed, "go and play with your dolls just now, love." He said to Y/n placing her down and kissing her cheek.

Y/n nodded and headed into the living room, Niall going to join her when Harry placing his hand on Niall's chest pushing him back. "Stay away from her." He spat.

"You can't keep me away from her!" Niall argued back.

"I can and I will. Stay away from, Y/n, go and pack her bag and we'll leave." Harry said.

"She's my daughter, Harry! If you don't like that, then you can just fucking leave!" Niall said.

"Bottled up anger. Go one then let it out!" Harry said.

Niall glared at him. "I fucking hate you! For the past three months you've treated me like I'm a piece of shit! All I wanted was to play dolls with our daughter but you go and ruin it! So, leave, it'll make things better, because to be honest, I'd rather watch you walk out that door than be living here with you!" He said.

Noticing as a single tear made its way down Harry's face.

"Then watch me." Harry whispered, heading towards the front door, "watch me, Niall." Harry said again, hand on the door handle. "You'd rather watch me leave, then fucking watch me."

Niall kept looking at the ground, he can't let Harry leave, he needs him, he loves him.

"FUCKING WATCH ME!" Harry yelled causing Niall to flinch.

Niall looked up and ran towards harry, "don't leave me." He whispered.

Harry pushing Niall off him. "You want me to leave." He whispered.

"I don't, Harry. I'm nothing without you, we have a family together, please don't leave me." Niall said as he took Harry's hand in his.

"You said you hated me. That's the first feeling you've said to me in months." Harry sobbed.

Niall's world stopped spinning and his world came crashing down. "You know I love you! I love you so much! Harry-"

Harry cut Niall off by shaking his head, "you don't love me, you've never loved me." He said.

"Harry, I do! I love you so fucking much it hurts." Niall sobbed.

Harry shook his head, "Y/n, come on, love." He said wiping his eyes.

"What about my bag?" Y/n asked.

"I'm sure gran has stuff for you. Say by to dad." Harry said.

Niall kneeled down in front of Y/n, and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you so much." He whispered into her hair.

"I love-"

"Come on, love." Harry said picking her up.

"Bye, dad." Y/n said waving.

"Bye, princess." Niall sobbed.

"I'll come back tomorrow for our stuff." Harry said.

"Wait, what?" Niall asked.

"It's over between us, Niall. You hate me, we can't be together if you hate me," Harry replied. "I'll see you around and we'll discuss what's happening with Y/n tomorrow as well."

Niall was about to say something else when Harry closed the door.

"I can't lose her." Was the only thing Niall said as he sat in the hall, back leaning on the wall, and his knees up to his chest as he rested his arms on his knees and placed his head on them and cried.

Part 2 later on.

BSM/DDM Imagines (1D)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora