DDM Nouarry

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Part 2

"Y/n, you're home." Harry slurred, Y/n froze. "Y-you're drunk." She stuttered. "Is he drunk?" She asked the two other boys. They nodded slowly. "Keep him away from me! I'm not having another drunk dad!" Y/n said, backing away from Harry when he walked towards her.

"Niall, take him upstairs." Louis said, making Y/n stand behind him. Harry was confused. "Bu-but my daughter is hommmeee, why do I have to go upstairs?" Harry asked. "You're drunk, Harry. Drunk people scare her." Niall replied, taking Harry's hand and taking him upstairs.

Louis let out a soft sigh and turned around to face Y/n. "Where have you been?!" He asked pulling her into a hug. "I've been about, why is he drunk?" Y/n asked.

Louis sighed, "because he punished himself, when he hit you he hasn't been the same. The night you left, he searched for hours, then he went to bed at eight o'clock in the morning, fell asleep, woke up half an hour later to go out and find you again. He tried everything. He phoned fucking Spain because he thought you were there. He's completely broken, and all because he feels that bad for laying a hand on you." He explained. "Where were you?" He then asked.

"Just..I was at my aunts. We sorted it out, I'm allowed to see my cousin now, but it's the other side of my family that I still need to work on. But, for now can you keep him away when he's drunk?" Y/n asked and Louis nodded. "Course I will, love." He replied.

The next morning, Harry came downstairs, his head pounding. He saw Y/n sitting at the counter, eating her cereal, staring into space. "Hey..love." Harry said softly. She looked up, sighing, "hi." She mumbled.

Harry sighed, "I'm sober if that's what you're thinking." He said. "I'm not thinking that. I'm just thinking of the past, I always do that and I get myself all upset. It's stupid I know, but I just can't help it. It was a big part of my life and it's not like I can forget it." Y/n explained.

"You went through some tough shit when you were growing up and we know that. But, you know for a fact that I would never hurt you on purpose. That night when you left, I slept in my car for a week so as soon as I woke up I could go and look for you. Taking my hand off of your face had got to be the biggest mistake in my life. If I could turn back time, this would've never happened. When you turned up to the door last night...I sobered up real fast. But, I was sober enough to remember that you came home and that you were safe." Harry explained.

"I-it's not easy, coming home after a few months only to relive something you want to forget, when I saw you drunk, swaying side to side, your eyes clouded...it brung back memories. I felt my whole world crash down when I saw how drunk you were. That night when you slapped me...I wanted to scream, I wanted to disappear. I know that when you slapped me, I should be used to the feeling-"

"Used to the feeling!? No one should be getting hit. I'm sorry that I did that, but you saying you should be used to something like that, that's not good. How can you think of something like that?" Harry asked.

"How can I not? I spent my whole life living in fear, curled into a ball in my room, listening to my parents argue, and then waiting on the moment when they storm into my room and...it's not easy, Harry. The first time i found out I was getting a family..I was so happy, but I was so nervous and frighten when I found out I was getting three dads. When you've been through what I've been through, you would understand what it's like to live in fear." Y/n explained.

"Well, from now on, you're going to stop living in fear, I'm going to stop drinking, we all are..and we're going to give you the normal life you deserve. I promise."

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