DDM Niall

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Personal for @AnnaJost

"Come on, buddy, we're going to be late." Dad said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Out with Aidan." Dad replied.

"Oh. Can I come?" I asked, not spent time with my dad and brother for ages. Cause the answer is always;

"No. It's just us two. Another time." Dad replied and he and Aidan left the house.

"Same old shit but a different day." I said and went back into the living room. It's been like this for days. Always getting left on my own as dad and Aidan went out.

~A few hours later~

Dad and Aidan are finally home, but the tears are still streaming down my face. "Anna? What wrong?" Dad asked as he sat down beside me.

"It's nothing." I whispered as I wiped my tears.

"You're crying. Tell me what's wrong, I'm your dad I'm meant to be there for you." Dad said.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" I asked and he went wide eyed.

"Don't love-I love you with all my heart, Anna! You're my first pride and joy." Dad explained.

"Then why are you hardly talking to me anymore?" I asked.

"I-uh, I guess i haven't really noticed. I'm sorry." Dad apologised.

"It's hard, dad, it's hard thinking that you don't care about me anymore." I explained.

"I do! I care about you so much, I love you so much as well. I'll take you out tomorrow, ok? Just you and me. Aidan can go to Liam's tomorrow. It'll just be me and you, sound good?" He asked.

"Sounds good." I said as I nodded and smiled.

BSM/DDM Imagines (1D)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz