Chapter Two

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We had pizza for dinner--  Brian's favorite, and my second favorite food on the planet.  Brian was the first one out of the two of us to get to the table, and when he did, he lunged for the box and grabbed two slices of pepperoni pizza.

     I'm honesty surprised that we're not fat, considering that all we do is pretty much eat pizza and play video games.

     But I guess that's because we also like to reenact video games.  He'll direct me through the house and make me do stuff like a video game character, and then we'll switch.

     Anyway, dinner was the same as it always is.  Me and Brian have stupid fights and mom and dad try to convince us to take up a sport, and then we all make jokes.

     It's getting late, dinner is over and me and Brian have gone back to video gaming.  This time we're playing the KiKi Twins Rush.

     KK and II are basically tiny little....  well, I think groundhogs, but I'm not sure.  In Kiki Twins Rush you have to direct them river rafting in the first level.

     In level two you have to run away from an erupting volcano, and in level three, the level we're at, we have to throw as many balls as we can at a huge monster in thirty seconds.

     "Jamie, Brian, time for bed!"  Mom calls from her and dad's bedroom.  Me and Brian sigh in unison, and then we save the game.

     We get off the couch and drag our feet to our bedroom, not saying a word to each other.  Our room is dark, has a bunk bed that is covered in blue comforters, a shade lighter than navy blue.

     I climb into the bottom one and stare up at the bottom of the top bunk, thinking.  I hear the ladder creak as Brian climbs up to it.

     A few seconds after Brian is situated in bed, I start to talk.  "Brian,"  I say.  I hear him roll over, so I'm guessing he's still awake.  That, and the fact that he's only been in bed for about twelve seconds.

     "Do you think mom's right?"  I say, I already feel weird about saying it.  "About what?"  Brian asks.  I think he knows, but he acts like he doesn't so I answer.

     "About us being lazy couch-potatoes?  I mean, I'm thirteen and you're fourteen.  We haven't taken up a sports team, or even an instrument since we were five."  

     I can't tell whether or not Brian even took what I said to heart, because he hasn't talked in about five minutes.

     But then he breaks the silence.  "I know.  I don't know why I haven't taken up a sport in so long!"

     I've clearly offended him in some way, so I roll over and shut my eyes.  And my mouth.

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