Chapter Four

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"Brian!"  I scream, but no one answers.  In what feels like an eternity, but is really just five seconds, I'm transported into a digital world.

     I feel like curling up in a  ball and crying, and I try, but since the game is still doing the countdown I can't move.

     "OOOOONE!"  The man's voice bellows, and suddenly flowers start matching towards me.  "Crud,"  I say as I realize that I have no idea how to actually be in a video game.

     Images of Brian making me jump over  "bombs,"  (they're really bouncy balls,)  flash through my mind, and I suddenly realize that I kind of know how.  Possibly.

     I'm limited to four movements;  Jump, which is button A, slide, which is B, and throw tomatoes, which is X, and run, which is Y.

     If I combine X and A I can do this awesome twirl, where I go up in the sky, and as I twirl, I throw tomatoes.  But that takes a lot of work and skill.

     "I wonder if I think  'B'  I will slide."  I say, and I try it.  Before I'm ready for it, I'm on the ground sliding through ten flowers.

     Flower petals fall to the ground like confetti.  I do a celebritory jump and fall back to the ground, falling on a flower.

     "Yes!"  More flowers start to come, only these are bigger.  I know I can't jump on these, but I can easily walk right under them--  or run.  I start moving my stubby legs as fast as I can while saying  'Y'  over and over again in my head. 

     "Finally,"  I pant after I've passed all of the huge flowers.  I know that the level is over, because I've played this level a hundred times before.  So I know it's okay to relax.

     Now that I'm not in  "game mode,"  I can move without thinking about the alphabet.  I collapse on the ground and pant.

     "LEVEL ONE, COMPLETE!"  The voice bellows throughout the whole game, and I think I see one of the flowers wince.       

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