Chapter Six

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"How did you get here?"  He asked.  I shrugged.  "I don't know.  It just happened."  I paused for a second.  "Wait, how did you  get here?"

     He shrugged.  "I'm not sure.  I started playing, some weird pop-up came on the screen and it said  'Real Gaming.  Are you in?'  Of course I didn't know that they literally meant real gaming, so I clicked 'yes'."

     I made a confused expression, or I tried.  I'm not sure how it came out.  "That's really weird,"  I said.  "I know."  Brian agreed, but then, at the same time, we both started screaming.

     I lifted the shield up to protect us from the lasers.  I wondered how it would feel to get hurt in a video game, and that I hoped I wouldn't find out.

     We started running for cover.  "I bet there's more freedom to escape now that we're actually in the game,"  I whispered to Brian.  But I don't think he knew what I meant.

     I pointed to a cave, which when me and Brian were playing the game in the normal way, was just a background.  You couldn't actually go inside it or anything.  But now, maybe we could go in.   

     He smiled once he saw me pointing towards the cave.  "Come on, I said, dragging him behind me with one arm, and still holding the shield over us with the other.

     One of the birds was following us, and I hoped he wouldn't be able to follow us inside the cave.  If we could even get in, that is.

     Me and Brian stood at the entrance of the cave.  "It's now or never,"  I said, ducking down to fit into the entrance.

     Brian followed.  Once we were both inside the cave, we looked back to see if the bird was there.

     But he wasn't there, so we guessed he had just given up and flown off, shooting lasers at something else now.

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