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"Jordan, did you feed your fish?" She asks her son Jordan.
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry I couldn't reach the fish food. I want to grow as tall as Michael Jordan!" He says, outstretching his short arms as long as he can. She chuckles, filling with delight.

"You have big dreams for that small mind of yours," She hunches over to meet him eye to eye. "Go for it dude!" Jordan laughs joyfully. "But that's okay sweetie, I'll do it now. One day you'll be able to reach it." She remarks, putting her caring hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks Mommy," Jordan replies looking up at her.

"I'll be upstairs feeding the fish." She tells him, patting him on the head as he stares up at her.
"Before you go, can you tie my shoes? I want to go outside and play!"
"Jordy, you're a big boy, you can do that yourself."
"Okay, I'll try," Jordan attempts to tie his own shoelaces. Making tiny knots with the tips of his itty bitty fingers.
"Oh, Jordy," She reaches for Jordan's shoes to tie them. "We'll work on this," As she ties the last double knot she looks up at Jordan with his young innocent eyes. "You have fun out there, okay?"
"Got it, Mommy."
"Good, I love you."
"I love you too," She bends down to give Jordan a kiss on the head before going to the second floor to feed the fish. As she feeds the fish she watches Jordan play outside happily with his new ball. She grins with joy, she loves Jordan with all her heart. Suddenly she sees Jordan chasing his ball into the busy street. Immediately, she starts banging on the window. "Jordan! Jordan!" He can't hear her. She runs down the stairs as fast as she can.

But she's too late. She runs on to the cold pavement and drops down to try and help him. "Jordan? Jordan! Help, someone call 911, help!" His legs are flooded with blood. Curled into a fetal position, his lips begin to turn blue. She topples on top of her boy and says, "I love Jordan. Come on, wake back up. You're not dead. Just wake up for me," She sobs, barely able to speak as her throat tightens. "Jordy! Come on, you can't do this to me! Wake up!" She exclaims, shaking Jordan. A car pulls up.

"Ma'am are you okay?"
"My son! He's...He's... he can't be! Wake up!" She screams, furiously shaking him.

"Ma'am calm down I'll get you some help."
"You can't help me! My son is dead and so am I!"

Beyond The CurtainsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant