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We stumble down the stone pathway, exiting Jake's house, baffled by his personality. Or at least I am, Sara expected it, she was definitely right. The pretty stones don't have any variation, pretty boring. They're all gray and clearly plastic. I frown, knowing what I have to say next, "I guess you were right," it's hard to admit I was wrong. But I have to do it when needed. "And I was wrong."

She genuinely puts one of her hand on my shoulder, the warmth of her hand takes over my shoulder. "Thanks, I knew it, but if I were I wouldn't of said anything. You're a good person, Karin," Her strong eyes now into my gentle green eyes as I look up at her. Her mouth has made its way into a kind grin, which reminds me of home. She turns away and removes her hand from my shoulder and giggles, "That was awkward," Well that lasted for about hmm...two seconds. But it was worth it.

I kick the ground as if I'm in the rain, today suddenly just got a whole lot better. Sara taps my shoulder multiple times, "Karin, look," she points one finger to a rock with a blemish. "Nothing here ever has something weird one it's all same old, same old, this is weird." She seems confused and disoriented as she looks up and down her surroundings. I crouch down to where she pointed and find a bold black circle with the letters EX in the middle of the circle. That seems familiar.

"That's really weird," I examine the black paint and touch it. The paint stays on the rock. "It's really weird, like really, really weird."

She stares at it with her mouth wide open. "I know, I don't know what's happening." She raises her eyebrows. You can really read a person by their eyebrows. Hers are speaking to me saying, 'what is going on?'

I look even closer at the rock. Yep, I've definitely seen this. "It's super weird, I've seen this before somewhere."

Sara stares at me and acts like I have three heads, "Really? No...wait, what?" She looks around where we are then looks back me, more surprised than I've ever seen her.

I nod, it's not that surprising. "Yeah," She glances at the rock, then me, back and forth, back and forth.

She managed to smile while her mouth stays wide open, I've never seen anyone this excited besides myself. "Where?" She nearly jumps out of excitement, looking all around the place. She goes down to the ground and begins to search under rocks.

Now I look at her like she should be in an insane asylum. "What's the big deal. It's really cool and everything, but why is it so important?" I inquire, now really confused.

Sara looks at me like she's a mad-women, "Everything here is planned. Everything here happens for a reason, so there's a reason for this. This has something to do with the dimension."
I drop my jaw and jump up from my crouching position, "Seriously? That's so cool!," she nods, keeping her smile visible. "What does it mean?"
She squints and holds her chin with one hand, "I have no idea," her smile vanishes as quickly as it came. "Whatever, I guess it's no big deal then."
I stare at her, "No, we have a start. I know I haven't been here for long, but now I am sure that this has to mean something," I grab onto her arm and start pulling her down the stone path. "Come on!"

Her feet stay planted on the ground, "Why don't we just stay here? We don't have to leave."
I let grow of her arm, "You can't be serious," she looks at me dead serious. "We're getting out here whether you like it or not. I'm going to find a way out of here."
She looks me up and down, "Wow...okay then. Where do you want to bring me if you're so eager.

I think to myself for a second, "I have no idea, but the day's not getting any younger, we have to do something." I continue down Jake's pathway. There isn't the sound of footsteps trailing behind me anymore. I turn around to find Sara standing there with wide eyes, staring at the ground in a trance. A single runs down her face "Are you coming?" I ask quietly, realizing she's having a moment.

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