I'll Still Love You

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I'll still love you
(Third year HS)

On the very first day we met
I felt my heart skipped its beat
Just the idea that we are friends
My life was filled with happiness

Day by day my admiration grow
Little by little my feelings show
Im still unsure if this is love
Yet I was certain its not just a crush

Time passed by and we remained close
You treated me your sister and it hurts the most
Had asked myself are you that numb?
Or you knew it already Im just dumb

Sooner or later I still have to choose
To continue this even when I lose
For in this love Im just wishing
To have you mine Im just dreaming

I know someday you'll gotta find her
And that's where I'll remain as a sister
Just know Im here to support you
Though it'll hurt I'll still love you

P.S: I forgot to whom this poem was dedicated. I wrote this when I was in my 3rd year HS. Gee. Who are you? Lol.

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