Friend or Fake

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Friend or Fake

You don't know my pain
Not even a single detail
You may say you're my friend
But what you know is limited
I am shy, introverted, timid
Yet you see me differently
I laugh behind disappointments
I smile behind depressions
Yet you never see it all
You regard me as a simple person
You don't read my pros and cons
You don't tell me I
i'm growing horns
You just compliment good things I earned
You were my friend now
So until when it is valid?
You are here with me now
Just when can i
I feel the presence?
Just when can I express who really I am?
Just when can you see tears disguised as laughters?
Loneliness disguised as happiness?
Pain disguised as love?
Now you're starting to question yourself
Are you really my true friend?
If so, can I rely on you ?
Can you see the true me?
Can you pat my back saying its gonna be alright?
Can you wipe my tears saying I can overcome this?
Can you hug me tight, saying I am not alone?
Can you walk with me in a bridge of fire?
Saying with you my fears will die?
Can you show me my worth so I dont treat myself useless?
Can you tell me you won't leave?
If you can't, start walking away now
You don't have to do this
I don't need pity, I don't need sympathy
I'd rather be alone than push myself to you
I'd rather enveloped myself in darkness
Than to believe there's a light shining on me
Not when it's fake
Not when it's not a genuine friendship

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