Meet Her

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Maybe the first story wasn't dramatic enough? Well, this one won't be more entertaining. Although the other in question herself is very entertaining. 

Sunflower. The main attraction. When I first learned her name I loved it. It was my favorite flower as a kid. Our meeting wasn't fantastic. Well, I didn't really mind it but it sure bothered my parents.

As an eight-year-old in third grade, I kind of just gave up. Nothing really happened. I just wasn't interested in school work. Going was fun. I had plenty of friends. But I remember the work just sounding like a bee buzzing. Letters transforming into magical creatures. Boy did it make my parents mad. Small punishments here and there. Nothing major. But it didn't really do much. Not until my mother sat me down one day.

She looked at me. I could see the tired in her eyes and skin. She sighed heavily and rubbed her sore hands. My parents worked hard to give me the life I had. A wonderful one. She never told me she was disappointed. Never said she hated me or was mad. She told me she was scared. She was scared that I wouldn't be able to live peacefully. Not successfully. Not comfortable. Not even independent. She was scared I wouldn't have peace and security. Terrified to the point of shaking. Not a hard shiver. But ever so slightly. I could see my father sitting at his desk. Pretending to read his paper but I could see his small tremble. I said okay and walked off.

When I got to my room I felt something snap. And then a loud voice came out of nowhere. She was in charge from the moment I heard her before I even saw her. She quickly told me I needed to get my act together. And that from this moment on things are gonna change. She became a drill sergeant. Sunflower came in and instantly gave me an extensive plan on how I would get it together. Not perfection but passing.

Sunflower sure can take control of a room. If she puts her mind to it she can get anything done. Even moving a mountain.

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