Meet Them

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Ah. This one. This one makes me a tad bit sad.

Their name is Candle. Very strong-minded and out-spoken. Not like Sunflower. Candle protected me and spoke when something wasn't right. Especially when we met.

My very first partner in high school. She was a short girl. Named Lily. We had been together for three months. Oh, it was the happiest I had ever been. Now I've had my fair share of elementary school flings, but I felt like Lily was my first real connection. She understood me on a level I didn't know. She asked me out first of course. I was way too shy at that point.

We went everywhere together. My parents didn't love her at first. Mostly just tolerated her. But they liked seeing me happy. But it didn't last very long. It was the middle of the summer. I was lucky we lived close enough that it wasn't just a school fling. I was over at her house every other weekend. When I wasn't she was over at my house. Maybe I was just excited to have someone but I celebrated every anniversary. First kiss. First date. First hand hold. Of course the traditional when we got together anniversary. It happened to be the anniversary of the day we met. I wanted to surprise her. I knocked and her mother let me in.

I told her to be quiet and I showed her the flowers. She smiled but she kept looking off to the side. She told me Lily was in her room with a friend. I didn't think anything of it. Maybe I should have asked more questions? I marched up the stairs and all I could hear was music blasting. Not enough to shake the house but enough to drown the sound out of the room. I held the roses tightly and just opened the door. 

Behind the door, I saw her and a man. Nobody I ever saw before. They were naked and kissing. Their lower halves were covered by the blankets but I could only assume they were fully going at it. The lights were dimmed so I raised them to full power. She jumped up and spun around. The guy just sat there, dazed. She scrambled to get dressed as I just stood there. I didn't really move. Just waited for what she was going to do. 

She got dressed and the guy left. We sat on the bed as she cried. I can't say I was sad. Definitely shocked but I wasn't really showing any emotion. She told me it was an accident and that she was lonely. She didn't mean it and that I had to stay with her. I said yes.

This happened three more times. I was very stupid I guess? Not sure why I stayed. But on that fourth time. I guess Candle had enough. They came out and told her off. Told her she was the worst and that she had one too many chances. Dumped her point blank and left as she begged. I didn't really come to until I was back in my bed. I avoided her at school and a week later they had mysteriously moved away. 

I had a hard time standing up for myself. Candle did that for me.

My own protector.

Me, Myself, Her, Him, They, and IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora