Meet I

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This one isn't very exciting. I mean the way we met definitely isn't but he's pretty nice.

Charles. Older guy but he's got spirit. 

We met after the first week of my first job. I was freshly a senior in high school and got my first job at a coffee shop. It was hard. Nonstop customers and an angry manager. It wasn't impossible but that first week kicked my ass. I was coming home exhausted and feeling defeated. My parents tried to encourage me but I just couldn't shake it. I was being beat down day after day. I didn't want to give up though because it was my first job. Plus an allowance wasn't really something I got any more at that age. 

I remember just staring at my desk at three in the morning. My desk light was on but I wasn't really doing anything. I heard a soothing voice. Told me that everything would be okay if I took it one day at a time. Said that a nice cup of tea would help and maybe a quick cookie or too. He got me up and did as he promised. I sat on my bed in my comfiest blanket with a warm cup of tea and the last four Oreos in the pantry. 

Now my parents show me lots of affection. But I never knew my grandparents on either side. Having this sweet old man gently tell me old stories and make me lovely tea. I smiled for the first time in that whole week. He made me laugh with his silly voices in the stories he made up. It reminded me of being a child. I wasn't at a point where I wanted to give up but I was definitely feeling defeated. 

After that nothing seemed to be so harsh. Even my ass of a manager. I think that guy was just permanently angry. But I knew Charles would have something to cheer me up if I needed it. Even when a customer screamed because their coffee had one ice cube too many. I knew I had something to look forward to. Now don't get me wrong he didn't spoil me. But he always knew when I needed extra care. When I needed something gentle. 

It was hard for me to know when I needed to be pampered a little. I never thought I deserved many things even if I had the money for them. He gave me that little bit of personal care. Catered just for me.

Me, Myself, Her, Him, They, and IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora