Chapter 24

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It had been three weeks since we discovered the words on the wall, I chucked my keys on the side and heavily sighed. I grabbed my phone and laid on the sofa, I dialled Christians number and waited for him to pick up.

"Everything ok, Ana?", I half smiled and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm ok, I've been better and I'm missing you.", I heard silence.

"It was your choice to go back there, how is New Jersey?", I rolled my eyes and sat up. I decided after a week of being back in Seattle that I needed to come back here, I had to say goodbye properly to my friends and also I had bits and pieces with the flat and at work.

"It's ok. I'm waiting for the final details from the landlord, I think she has found someone to take over the flat. I'm meeting Alisha tonight for some drinks.", He was silent again.

"Ok, we could have sorted this back here. You didn't need to go and do it face to face-", I quickly interrupted him.

"Because you could have got someone to go for me. You say it every single time I ring. Christian, I am fine. Rory isn't here, I am good.", I could feel the tension through the phone, I understood he was protective but sometimes it was overboard.

"I know you are good. Listen, have a good night tonight. Please text me when you are home.", I stood up and half smiled, I loved him.

"I will. I love you.", There was a quick pause before he spoke.

"Me too, Miss Steele.", I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone, I strolled to my bedroom and opened my wardrobe. I must have stood there for ten minutes just staring at my clothes, Alisha was dragging me out tonight as she had so much to tell me. I grabbed my skinny black jeans and paired it with a white blouse, I grabbed the small heels from the bottom and picked a small handbag.

I grabbed my phone and texted Alisha.

'Alisha, I'll meet you at bar and beyond?' Within seconds she replied, I raised my eyebrows at her quick response.

'Ok! I'll meet you then at 7 x' I put my phone on the side and walked into the bathroom to run a hot bath.

Once I was in the bath I sat there thinking about everything, so many questions came into my head and the endless situations I was creating were not healthy. Almost everyday I thought what would happen if Christian got hurt again? Could I really endure the pain and suffering seeing him suffer? I shook my head and washed my hair, wished it would wash away my thoughts.

I stepped out of the bath and my phone rang so loudly that it made me jump, I cursed under my breath and quickly walked to answer it. Without seeing the caller ID I answered it, I awaited a voice but there was no sound.

"Hello?", I said, there was someone on the other end as I could hear slow breathing. "Hello?", I repeated once more. I gave it ten more seconds before hanging the phone up, I studied the number and didn't recognise it.

After forty five minutes I was finally ready, I grabbed my handbag and slammed the front door behind me. I walked slowly down the steps that led to the street due to my heels and once I was eventually down I hailed down a taxi that was driving past.

The taxi journey was short, the streets were pretty quiet which was surprising. I paid the taxi driver and exited the car. I straightened my hair out as there was light wind and then walked into the bar, I jumped almost out of my skin as I heard the biggest roar of voices.

I was enveloped with hugs from everyone, I looked around and said all my greetings. My office bunch all were casually dressed and wore the biggest smiles, above their heads were various balloons that spelt 'sorry you are leaving.'

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