Chapter 30

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"Where we going?", Christian glanced over and smirked, he had something planned in his head. We walked into a unisex clothes shop, I raised my eyebrows and stopped walking. "I'm really not in the mood for shopping.", I stated, he licked his lips and nodded.

"Who said we are shopping, come.", He grabbed my hand and we quickly walked to the ladies section. "Anastasia, we have been shopping for a long while, please just find something.", I raised my eyebrows once more and looked at the other women around us, they didn't take no notice of him or me.

"I like this one.", I held up a random dress and he chuckled.

"Me too, go and try it on.", I nodded and still didn't know what was happening, I was trying to go along with whatever he was playing at.

I walked into the changing room and went to shut the door but it did not close, I turned around swiftly and Christian almost jumped into the changing room with me. He locked the door whilst keeping his eyes on me, he grabbed the dress and hung it up behind him.

"I need you to be quiet.", He unbuttoned my shirt and slowly let it fall to the floor, he kissed me passionately and stopped again. "As quiet as we can be, baby.", I smiled and gripped his hair.

"That was...", I took a deep breath and Christian chuckled, he passed me my top and then done his belt.

"Different?", He asked.

"Indeed.", I whispered, he smirked but become serious very quickly.

"Get yourself decent, you'll be needing these.", He picked up my panties as tossed them at me, I made myself presentable and Christian nodded as he checked for staff. "Come.", We walked out with our heads down, we were just about to walk out of the shop but a member of staff stopped us.

"Guys! Thank you for visiting us today. Did you guys find anything?", I scratched my forehead lightly and forced a smile, she was trying way too hard and was over enthusiastic.

"Not today.", I stated, she smiled too widely and nodded.

"Ok! Hopefully you guys had a good time?", I glanced at Christian who was smirking as usual.

"Yes, it was good.", Christian raised his eyebrows and glanced at me.

"I think good is an understatement. I think it was pretty amazing.", I widened my eyes and watched Christian chuckle, he was clearly talking about the sex in the dressing room.

"We best be going, now.", Christian nodded and we scuttled out of the shop, I put my hands in my pockets and we walked along the sidewalk.

"What's up?", He questioned.

"I can't believe we just did that.", He mirrored my actions and also put his hands in his pockets, he bumped his shoulder against mine and smiled.

"Anastasia, I'm never going to underestimate you again. You prove me wrong every time. I never thought you would do that, becoming quite the lady." I slightly smiled and looked at him.

"You are a bad influence. I'll be rich if you bet on me to have sex in different places, you are irresistible.", I locked our arms together and rubbed his shoulder with my other hand.

"You are rich, Steele. What's mine is yours, remember.", He kissed my forehead and we continued walking slowly down the sidewalk.

"Look who it is.", We were suddenly stopped, we both glanced up and my stomach dropped.

"Elena.", Christian clearly couldn't hold his smile back, I gulped and felt the fury build up inside of me when I watched them greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.

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