Chapter 4. G.6. Last of primary

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We,re finally here, the First day of year 6, this is the last year of primary school. Me and kundai had made it all the way, but not really we still have the "rest of life" to get through yet.

The first day is tomorrow and I feel exited for a weird reason, maybe because I'm in the highest age group of the whole school.

Ok so I'm at home, I m just woke up ready for the first day, my mum started driving me to school. When I got there was more nervous, half the day had past and i was fine, i felt confident.

The day had ended and i remember the bell ringing, it was a cool coincidence that my dad messaged me just a few seconds after the bell saying " me and your Mother won't be coming home from work for another hour or two", and honestly i had no problem with that expect the fact we live nearly a mile away.

As i was walking home, i was only two blocks away and suddenly someone nearly hit me in their car while they were backing out of their driveway, they didn't even stop to see if i was ok, they just drove even quicker, they must've been in a hurry.

As i got home my Dad was already there! I walked in the door and yelled at him "Why did you lie to me? And he exclaimed that he got let of work earlier then he expected. So i went on with th night pretty calmly, as with the rest of the year.

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