~ Summaries

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A summary is a short paragraph or description of the book. Sometimes it consists of just a quote, phrase, or a piece of dialogue, or it can be a detailed description if the setting, characters and includes and outline if the plot. It's very important because it can hook the reader into finding out more about your book. Ever been to a library, and read the back of a book and thought "hey I want to read this"? You probably have. Here are some cool tips to help you make a totally amazing summary and at the bottom of this page you can request a summary to be written by us.

1. When making a summary, remember to include only what you need to a book a reader in. Don't give away important plot points. People don't want to read "Spoilers"!

2. Just remember that you should give the same basic information you convey through the book's first chapter: where and when does this story take place, who is the protagonist, and what problem are they facing right off the bat?

3. Check out popular books summaries, and look at actual paperback back covers to find inspiration and a method of writing your summary.


we can't read minds. if you would like a summary to be made for your story, make sure that the story is COMPLETED. otherwise we won't know important plot details, if they aren't written.

- Comment on the bold words at the bottom of the page, with your book's name. Please also include the genre or category of your book. Add any extra information if you wish. Thanks.

- Summaries usually take more time than trailers or playlists, because sometimes we have to read the book, so expect it to be ready in 3-5 days or even less.

- In your comment, please include your kik, email, or even iMessage (though we don't recommend it for safety reasons) so we can reach you and send you your summary

We highly recommend that you give writing a summary a shot before you ask to request one because we will never know your story like you do.

Summary Requests?

- The Stuff for Stories Team

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