Day 1

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Dear Mom and Dad,

Steven and I got to camp alright. His parents were so excited to drop us off. Mrs. Reilly was just the same as you were when you dropped me off the first time! It was almost funny. Mr. Reilly just told us to not blow anything up at campfire. I know I've said it before, but I like him.

Remember Izie? She was that girl that I started texting after camp last year. We sort of lost contact over the school year, but she was really excited to see me. She hugged me and it was pretty nice. But then she kissed my cheek, and I could see her friends off to the side, giggling. I'm not out to her, though, and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. She left before I could say anything, though. Stevie was cool about it, but... I dunno.

Diana's head counselor again, and I'm so glad to see her again. She and Stevie hit off really well, and I think he's really enjoying himself here already.

Everyone went swimming this afternoon in the lake before dinner. I saw Maggy again, but she's old enough that she's a counselor now. She gave Stevie a hard time, but she likes him.

The other kids were giving us some odd looks while we ate, but I don't think any of them really care. We were assigned to the same cabin, and Diana looked hesitant as we headed off to bed. But she just reminded us of camp rules and let us go. I promise, we're being good. I think Mrs. Reilly would have my head if we were anything but.

Today was good, overall. I'm excited for tomorrow.

Love you, see you soon,


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