Day 2

31 1 0

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was mostly just some orientation stuff this morning to get us better settled with each other and our cabin groups, like, name games and stuff like that. There's a good group of guys in our cabin. Derrik's a pretty cool guy, and he's been really fun today. He taught us all how to play rummy, though he wins every time, so I'm sure he cheats.  Nick is cool, too, but quiet. He told me and Steve we were cute together, though, so I'm pretty happy about that. And then there's a pair of twins, Chris and Scott. They're not identical, but they might as well be. They like to joke about it and pretend they are. It's kind of funny. Derrik plays along, and it messes with some of the other cabin groups.

Izie and her cabin joined us at lunch. The girls were really nice, but sitting next to Izie was kind of awkward. She didn't quite know what to make of me and Stevie, I think. But she was nice, and we all had a good time.

Our cabins were paired up, actually. So we all went boating this afternoon! The guys kept making jokes as they passed me and Stevie. But we won the boat races, so jokes on them, huh? Though, Aimee and Dana were a pretty close second place. But, just between us, I think Derrik and Nick let them win.

Campfire was good tonight. The first one always is. Maggy led us in some songs. It took Stevie some time to get comfortable singing with us, but I think he really enjoyed it. I hope he's more comfortable tomorrow night, because tomorrow's the dance off, and I'm definitely gonna make him dance with me.

Love you both!


Summer CampOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora