Day 4

26 1 0

Dear Mom and Dad,

Sorry I didn't email yesterday, but I was bushed. We went on an all-day hike, and then it rained, and we stayed up playing rummy too late last night. It's so weird how you can get caught up in games like that.

Today was a bit calmer. Our group had a craft session this morning. Stevie already makes bracelets, you know. And he was so excited to learn a new pattern. He's been making them all evening during downtime. He's making one right now, actually. He wants me to ask you each for your three favorite colors so he can make you some.

The campfire dance off got moved to tonight. Izie danced with me  for one, but then Stevie and I danced together. Everyone really liked it, I think. We got a bunch of applause. Or, maybe it was just the guys being really loud. Either way, it was really fun. And Derrik got a dance with Aimee. Chris and Scott teased them before going up and mimicking their dance. It was dramatic and hilarious, but Derrik's been sulking at them all evening.

I really like this group, guys. I'm gonna miss them a lot when I come home. I've got their phone numbers, but Nick already knows he won't be able to come back next year. I'll just have to make sure I really keep in contact with them.

Love you both. Don't miss me too much,


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