Day 7

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Dear Mom and Dad,

Sundays are free days, too, remember? Heh. We all went swimming this morning. It was cold at first, but definitely worth it. The girls joined us about an hour before lunch. It was fun. Messing around in the lake is always fun, though. Derrik and Aimee kept dunking each other, and Chris and Scott were swimming around, tickling everyone's legs under the water. They got kicked a couple times, but I think they're okay. No missing teeth or anything.

Diana and Maggy came down to get us for lunch. Apparently, we were all late. So we had cleanup duty. But that was fine. We got out in time to all go out on a small hike through the woods, closer to the lake shore.

Campfire was great. We sang hymns tonight, since it's Sunday, and we made s'mores. Stevie and I shared one, but so did Derrik and Aimee. So the amount of catcalling we got was, while flattering (I guess), unnecessary.

Goodnight, I love you,


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