Day 5

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I can't believe it's already Friday. Stevie's really at home here, now. He's playing cards with Nick and Chris right now. Derrik and Aimee went for a walk, and Scott tagged along to supervise. Camp rule, you know, to make sure everything stays appropriate. Though, Diana has told me that if Stevie and I go for a walk, we need a chaperone, too.  One of the girls, Kate, offered to tag along. She's been really nice to us; told us that she thinks we're really brave. I got her phone number, because I think she's in the closet. I want to support her, you know?

Izie pulled me aside today. I knew it would happen. She asked if I liked her anymore. I felt really bad, because she looked so uncomfortable. I hugged her though, and told her that I still liked her as a friend. We talked for a while, and I think we're gonna be okay. She hasn't been mean at all to Stevie, though, which is really good.

Today the whole camp spent the afternoon cleaning up the grounds. My cabin got assigned to the beach and water area, cleaning up trash and raking and organizing the water shed. We even cleaned the boats - or, most of them.

Everyone swam before dinner today again, as a reward. Kate and Chris tried to catch some of the fish with their bare hands. They were blue gill, though, so they kept getting stuck with the spines on the fishes' fins. It was almost funny.  I can tell Chris is still sore from the way he's holding his cards.

I love you! One more week until I see you again,


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