Day 8

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I apologize in advance. Tonight is the last email I'll be sending until probably Friday. Diana has told us that she's seen too many people out on their devices instead of interacting with each other and with the nature. So we're not allowed to use them at all after today.

I don't think me and Izie are okay. She keeps ignoring me. I think it's about Stevie, but we talked about it, so I'm not sure what's wrong... I'll talk to her again this week, if I can.

Today was another boating day, but we had to mix up our boat partners to boy/girl pairings. I got a boat with Kate, and Stevie sat with one of the other girls. Her name is Hannah. She's nice. Derrik and Aimee paired up, of course. Nick and Izie took a boat, and then Chris and Scott were paired with Tiana and Amy-Grace. I don't think I mentioned them before, but they're part of Izie's cabin group. We raced, but there was a bit of an obstacle element to it. We had to steer around buoys and poles and things like that. Chris and Tiana won, and Stevie and Hannah came in second.

Campfire was good tonight. We told ghost stories, and one of the guys from the other cabins had one that was pretty freaky. Maggy stopped him in the middle of it and suggested we tell ones that weren't that scary. Poor Stevie, though. He's freaked out really bad. He'll probably have to sleep in my bunk tonight. I promise we'll behave.

I'll send another email before we leave on Saturday.

I love you, see you Saturday,


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