A Strange Suggestion (Haikyuu!!)

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Ship: OiSugaKage

Word Count: 829

Other Notes: I've honestly never written anything for a poly ship before, so I'm horribly sorry if this is bad.

Kageyama sits awkwardly in front of the couple, shifting a bit in his chair as they look at him. They're sitting on the couch, being just as unbearably cuddly as usual. The raven-haired male keeps his facial expression stoic as he finally speaks up. "What do you want?"

Suga is the one to break the tension with a small laugh, causing both Kageyama and Oikawa to relax a bit. He just has that effect on them. "Well, Kageyama, I was--We were wondering something." He says somewhat sheepishly.

Oikawa scoffs, although he doesn't make any move to let go of the other male. "Don't make it sound like I want this. I'm only putting up with it because you seemed to really want it." He says, to which Suga rolls his eyes in response with a knowing smile.

He places a kiss at the corner of his lips. "Tooru, play nice. We both know you're not nearly as against this as you're making it seem." Truth be told, the ex-captain of Seijo's volleyball team was actually somewhat excited about the idea.

As the couple becomes more and more loving on the couch in front of him, Kageyama clears his throat. "Just tell me what's going on before I leave." He says. He won't admit it out loud, but he feels a strange longing in his chest whenever they get like this. He just chalks it up to being jealous, though.

Suga coughs awkwardly, a slight blush dusting his pale cheeks as he's called out by the younger male. "Yeah. Right. Sorry." He laughs nervously. "Well, Tooru and I were wondering--Um, that is, we've been wanting to try--The thing is, we--"

"We want you to be in a relationship with us." Oikawa interrupts, getting tired of Suga's stammering. He places a kiss on his boyfriend's lips, temporarily getting rid of the pouty expression on his face. Suga still lightly smacks his arm at his bluntness as Kageyama coughs and splutters.

"I--Wh--Why me?" He asks, his mind spinning with questions. "And how would that even work? You can't have a relationship with three people!" He states bewilderedly, a telltale blush growing on his face. He knows about polyamory, knows that these relationships can be perfectly stable and healthy, but has never really entertained the thought of being in one.

Suga smiles at him, that soft, reassuring smile he's seen so many times. And just like that, he's taken back to when he first came out as gay during his first year. That same smile had encouraged him to keep talking even when he felt like his throat was closing in on itself.

"Because we're both attracted to you." He says simply, eliciting another scoff from Oikawa. This earns him another swat on the arm, this one harder than the last. "And it would work perfectly fine, so long as everyone did their part. There are plenty of perfectly stable relationships with three people, sometimes even four." He says calmly.

At this moment, Kageyama makes eye contact with Oikawa, and in that moment, it clicks. Every harsh word, the cruel treatment (which is still unacceptable), the nearly obsessive focus on him during games. They were all Oikawa's own strange way of showing his attraction towards him, and Kageyama wonders how he didn't see it sooner.

He's still cautious, though, and who wouldn't be? Even knowing that Oikawa has feelings for him, he still obviously doesn't want to admit them. "You're a piece of shit, you know that?" Kageyama directs to Oikawa, but his words don't hold any bite or venom. Instead, they hold a rare teasing tone, although his face remains as intimidatingly blank as ever.

Oikawa's eyes widen the slightest bit in surprise before he smirks slightly. He knows exactly what Kageyama is talking about. "Is that so, Tobio-chan?" He asks with the same teasing lilt as Suga looks at them both with approval. Kageyama nods, and that one gesture doubles as an answer to their proposition.

Suga smiles brightly as Oikawa rolls his eyes, his smirk fading into a small smile of his own. Kageyama feels the corners of his own lips twitch upwards in response to the infectious happiness of the other two. He leans back in his chair, but Suga is having none of it.

He gets up, pulling out of Oikawa's arms and eliciting a small whine from him. Suga pulls Kageyama to his feet and brings him over to the couch, tucking him into Oikawa's side. He then settles himself on Kageyama's other side, his head resting on his shoulder as his arm wraps around his front so he can intertwine his fingers with Oikawa's.

Oikawa wraps an arm around both of the other males as Kageyama cautiously rests his head against his shoulder. The youngest of the three realizes he feels comfortable and safe there, like he belongs. He settles into his place, accepting that this is what he's been longing for this whole time.

Kageyama may not know what comes next, but he figures this is a good place to start.

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