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Hongbin woke up feeling hungry. The cold floor caused Hongbin to jump back onto his bed and shiver. He quickly placed his slippers on and shuffled out into the hall. Knowing it was impossible to wake up Wonsik, Hongbin left the room and shuffled out into the hall. He paused when he noticed Yuki poking her head out of her room. Hong bin smiled his dimples showing.

"Come on!" He encouraged waving for her to come out. Cautiously she made her way out and took his out stretched hand. 
"Are you hungry?" He asked. Yuki nodded and allowed Hongbin to lead her to the kitchen. He wasn't sure what to make as he opened the fridge.

"Juice!" Yuki spoke pointing to it. Hong bin grabbed it with both hands and waddled over to the counter. With some struggle and help from Yuki they got it onto the counter. Hong bin grabbed a stool and placed it in front of the counter. With some effort he climbed onto the counter. 

"Stay down there! It's dangerous!" He announced with as much authority as he could muster. Yuki nodded as she watched him curiously. Carefully Hongbin climbed over to the cupboard that held the cups. Carefully he opened the door and got out two cups. He made it safely back to the juice and sat on top of the counter. Yuki climbed onto the stool and placed her hands and chin onto the counter as she watched Hongbin. 

Hong bin sucked his bottom lip in as he concentrated on pouring the juice into the two cups. It was a new bottle so it was a little heavy for him. The bottle shook as he poured it causing it to spill. Yuki's eyes widen and her mouth formed an O.

"Uh-oh!" She spoke as she watched Hongbin. 

"It-it's okay." He muttered. He frantically searched for a towel to clean up the mess. Yuki looked as well and spotted a rag. Jumping down from the stool she ran to the sink and quickly grabbed it before hurrying over to Hongbin. He quickly mopped up the mess and climbed down.

 "All better!" He declared once it was mopped up. Hopping off the counter he turned and carefully grabbed the cups. Careful not to spill a drop Hongbin set them on the table. He then grabbed the juice and put it back into the fridge. He grabbed a bowl filled with hard boiled eggs and sat down. Yuki sat next to him and wasn't exactly sure how to eat the egg. Hong bin ended up peeling the eggs for her. 

"Thank you Hongbin-ah." Yuki spoke quietly. 

"Call me Oppa!" Hongbin smiled cheekily. He never had anyone call him Oppa and Ravi was a few months older than him.

 "Okay Oppa." Yuki nodded. They are in silence more concentrated on the food then anything else. Hong bin cleaned up any mess that they made knowing Hakyeon would make a fuss if he didn't. After breakfast they found some toys to play with. Not long after Hakyeon woke up.

"Ah Hongbin-ah? Did you and Yuki eat?" He asked sleepily. 

"Ne!" Hong bin smiled. Yuki began to do a dance causing Hakyeon to wake up a little more. 

"Yuki do you need help going to the bathroom?" He asked nicely. Yuki nodded while bouncing up and down. 

"Ohh. Okay. Is it okay if I help you?" Hakyeon asked. He wasn't sure if she would be comfortable with him or not. The girl stuck to Leo like glue. Again she nodded and took his out stretched hand. Hakyeon quickly led her to the bathroom and helped her with everything. 

"Feel better?" He asked once she was finished. She smiled and nodded. 

"Thank you." She whispered. 

"Your welcome little one! Now how about we give you a bath?" He asked hoping she would say yes. Before she could respond Leo spoke causing Hakyeon to jump and Yuki to smile and run to him. 

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