ch 9

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~ Recap ~

"Have you found the boy and the girl yet?" A fierce voice asked his subordinate.

"N-not yet sir. We l-l-o-ost them in the storm." the younger man quivered. His boss was not someone to upset. His temper had proved that on a daily basis. A string of curses left the mans mouth as the glass shattered against the wall.

"I don't care what you have to do to him but I want that child! She is mine!" He all but spit out. 

"Yes sir."

"If you fail me again I'll send the twins to play with you." The man promised. The twins?! There are two sets of twins and neither pair had a kind bone in their body. 

"I understand sir." He bowed and quickly excited the room. He was determined to find that girl at all costs now. He'd kill anyone who got in his way.

 Seungho let out a breath once he was away from the office building. He was going to loose his head. That would be too kind. The twins enjoyed watching their prey suffer. Seungho held back a shudder as he zipped his coat up. The wind was really starting to whip at night. After a fifteen minute walk he entered the building. Taking the steps to the third floor he entered his apartment. The apartment itself had nearly nothing in it. Just a fridge that was trying to die, a raggedy couch and a broken TV. 

"Hyung's still alive!" The maknae of the group called. The others seemed relieved as they gathered around him. 

"Barely." He spoke licking his lips and rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them and hide the shaking from nearly becoming a play toy for the twins.

"We can't screw up again! The next screw up will be our last." He spoke with a serious face. The others sobered up at the news and new what they had to do.

"Mir, Joon do you remember where you last saw the boy and girl?"

"We where nearing abandon buildings. It was pouring so hard I kept tripping over my feet." Joon grimaced at the memory. 
"I think it was near a town not far from those buildings." 

"Good. First light go and see what the town has. Keep your eyes peeled for them. We have to find them or we're all dead!" 
 The rest of the night was spent in mostly silent as the threat of being tortured haunted them. They had witnessed what the twins could do. It made the boys nearly piss their pants in fear. A young boy wanting in had pissed his pants and ended up becoming a "play thing" for the twins.

After getting little sleep the boys where up and out the door.They began near the place they thought was the last place they saw the boy and girl. There where a couple different abandoned buildings. Mir kept looking around for any sign of them but found nothing. Joon went to the roof and noticed the town. Perhaps they could be there. Joon grabbed Mir and they made their way to the town. They passed a few shops before the playground came into view.

Mir didn't bother waiting for his hyung and just began to swing. It made him look less suspicious while having fun and looking for the kid. The wind was unforgiving today causing his nose to turn red.

"You look like rudolph!" A little boy declared before running off. Mir huffed before heading over to his hyung.

"Would you stop being so serious?! Your going to scare everyone off."

"In case you suddenly turned def and didn't hear our hyung, We have to find this kid! If we don't we're all going to die. After they torture us!"

"Calm down. We all know the consequences hyung." Mir spoke. He wouldn't admit it outloud but he was scared as well. He was still a kid as his hyungs liked to constantly remind him on a daily basis. Joon didn't say anything but continued to scan the playground.

"It's getting late. I doubt he would have the child out this late hyung. Can't we go and get something to eat? Some place warm for a change would be nice." 

"No. We stay until dark." Joon spoke and shoved his hands into his pants pockets. He tried to appear aloof and cool when he was actually scared and freezing. He didn't want anyone to see a grown man afraid. Mir frowned but kept his thoughts to himself. It was closer to dinner time when they saw the group.

"Hyung." Mir nudged him. Joon looked to were Mir was pointing. His eyes widen in surprise at the sight. Not only was the girl there but so was the boy. He couldn't be much younger than Joon. 
"Call Hyung and see what he wants us to do." Joon instructed. Mir nodded and pulled his phone out and dialed. After getting orders he informed Joon on what was to be done with the boy and girl.

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