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Ken left before dinner was even started. Hakyeon tried to convince him to stay but Hyuk was sick and Ken insisted that he needed to get home. Hakyeon had a feeling that something happened between him and Leo but didn't press. Leo wasn't as scary as everyone probably made him out to be. Not with how he treated Yuki, or Wonsik and Hongbin. He was very gentle with kids. 
After dinner Leo told Yuki to say goodnight to everyone. After goodnights and promises of saying "we'll play together in the morning", they headed to their room. Leo laid Yuki down making sure she was comfortable. 

"Yuki." Leo spoke in his quiet voice. The girl looked at him with adoration in her eyes while smiling. Leo smiled down at her and smoothed her hair back away from her face. 

"Appa has to go away for a little while tomorrow." 

"Where?" She asked unaware that she could not go. 
"The place where Hakyeon works, Appa is going to see if he can work with him." 

"Oh. Yuki come too?" She smiled. Leo hesitated a moment before speaking. 
"No. Yuki has to stay here with Hongbin and Wonsik." 

Yuki instantly began to tear up. 
"I can't be with Appa?" 

Leo mentally sighed as he pulled Yuki up to lay on his stomach. 
"It won't be forever. Just a few hours. Like when Hakyeon was gone. That's how long Appa will be gone. You'll have the boys and Ken will be here. Appa talked to Ken so he will be extra nice to you. Okay?" 

Yuki didn't respond but he heard little sniffles and she clung tighter to him. His heart clenched a the sound. Wrapping his arms around her he began to quietly sing to her. After a while her breathing had evened out and she fell asleep with a hand clutching his shirt. Leo took a few deep breaths trying not to cry. He wanted Yuki to be happy and stay with her but he had to find a way to begin to provide for himself and her as well. He couldn't stay with Hakyeon and the boys forever. He didn't like the fact that he had to rely on Hakyeon for clothing and food. It didn't feel right. His mind was working over time. Singing to Yuki helped distract him, even if she was asleep. 
Morning came too soon. It was quiet when Leo woke. Yuki hadn't moved from her spot on his chest. Still clutching his shirt in her little hand. Leo smiled and kissed her forehead before carefully maneuvering her to lay beside him. She wiggled a little but other wise stayed asleep. Leo tucked her in before getting up. 

There was no way he could sleep now. He quietly excited the room and went to make some coffee. 
He stopped when he saw a tired Hakyeon and a sleeping Hongbin on the couch. Leo didn't have to make any coffee. There was was some already in the pot. It must of just been made. Leo grabbed some for himself and Hakyeon. The older boy thanked him as he took a sip and ran a hand through Hongbins hair. Leo motioned to Hongbin. A quiet duestion as to why they were out here.

"Nightmare. He gets them from time to time." 
Leo noddedd and focused on his Coffee. 
"Your nervous." Hakyeon stated after a few minutes of silence. "Is this your first real job?" 
Leo gave a short nod. 
"It was my first job as well." That got Leo's attention. "I kept screwing up and Hyung was ready to fire me. Until I begged and broke down. I had two little dongsangs to look after and no way to give them food or clothes. We moved a lot as well. They're young enough to not understand thankfully. Hyung helped me and took the time to teach me. I wouldn't have this playce if it wasn't for him." Leo silently took in the information. It wasn't exactly the same situation as his but a-lot of similarities. 
Yuki woke to no Appa. Scared she got up and went looking for him. She felt relief once she saw him sitting on the couch with Hakyeon and Hongbin Oppa. 

"Good morning Yuki." Hakyeon smiled. Yuki was in a cranky mood and silently made her way over to Leo. He helped her climb onto the couch and onto his lap where she snuggled into him. 
"Someone isn't happy this morning." Hakyeon commented. 

Appa Leo a "Vixx fanfic" (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat