zero one

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you are my best friend. you are my first love. and there, you broke my heart. you didn't mean to, because somehow, you don't know my feelings. i thought, maybe you'd figure that out somewhere between the moments we kissed, or when I was locked into your arms.

but you can't feel i was the one for you, maybe for some time. that i was good enough, maybe for some time. then he realized, all of a sudden, that i wasn't. that i wasn't even close to being enough. even if you didn't say it, i know it. you chose irene because she's irene and she's greater than me.

and that sucks. like you suddenly became puzzle pieces that got wet and warped and don't fit correctly at all anymore.

if you'll count the coins i tossed, cherry blossoms i blown, shooting stars i catched, 11:11s i waited, or eyelashes i picked, you'll know how many times i've wished to be yours. i've read a lot of novels, watched more than a hundred movies, and listened to more than a thousand songs, but i still find it hard to write about you.

i will start each and every line with an i love you.

i love you. i will always start each and every paragraph with an i love you, to remind you that i do. i don't know when i first loved you. was it when you first replied? when you first said "Good morning. take care."? or when you first said "i missed you."? all i know is, from that day on, it was you who made my days and my nights something to look forward to.

i love you. i used to run away every time i started to fall cause love has never been very kind to me, not very kind at all. you stole my heart pretty easily, maybe that's why i loved you like a pretty melody.

i love you. you are my heart's healing when broken promises are the only ones left with me. you are the words i never thought my soul could ever speak. you are the one who helps me be better and the one i'll never trade with another.

i love you. i tried to count the ways and reasons why, but iI can't ever seem to count that far, cause i love you in a million ways and for a million reasons; i love you as you are.

i love you. even when i'm not with you and we're too far apart, i still love you; oh i love you by heart. i live to love you every step of the way, i knew it wasn't just a spark, i felt it right even from the start.

i love you, hunter.

Goodbye, HunterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ