The Dorm Part 2

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A/n sorry i haven't been updating as much (or at all who am i kidding), just some life shit. Will update more, promise!  


The two naked men, who's names i learned were John Laurens, who preferred Laurens, and Alexander Hamilton, AKA Alex. They were an item, which i could tell even before we opened the door. After they had gotten dressed, Alex informed us that we had to spend two days in the initially assigned dorms while the paperwork went through for us to switch. I was to be with Herc, and Laurens and Alex were to be together. I didn't understand why the knowledge that I was going to be rooming with Herc made me feel so warm inside, but it did. With the awkwardness of when we walked in on John and Alex behind us, we sat and talked for a bit about ourselves. John and Alex were both majoring in law, and had been together for about two years. John and I headed back to our dorm, and I fell asleep thinking about Hercules, for some odd reason.

A/n sorry for the short boring chapter, action is on the way i promise! 

Why Him?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang