Date Night

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A/n tbh i'm only writing this so I don't feel guilty about starting a herculesxreader book its gonna be draMAtic and stEAMy and y'all are gonna love it I hope  

Herc POV

I heard my phone ding and looked down. It was Laf, asking if I wanted to meet him at Starbucks. smiling, I replied with a capital yes, then wondered if that was too much. I quickly shot a "sorry, caps" message and locked the phone, sliding it into my pocket. I walked to the Starbucks to see a goofily grinning Laf waiting outside. "Bonjour, mon amour," he said, holding the door for me. "How are you?" it took all my willpower not to melt into a puddle, and instead responded, "good, and yourself?" we continued talking as we sat down at a table. we didn't even order drinks,that's how absorbed we were. I went back to the dorm and put in a movie while Laf went to his next class. Alex and John stumbled in, looking fairly intoxicated. "Heeeeey, Hercules," said Alex, plopping down on one side of me. John took the other, leaving on my shoulder. "wassup, bro?" he slurred, tracing a hand down my shirt. oh, shit I thought, realizing this may not just be a friendly hangout. I went to get up from the couch when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. before i could protest, a pair of plump lips smashed into mine. I could taste the alcohol on their breath, and i pulled away to see john grinning at me. Alex jumped up now and kissed my neck from behind, while john continued attempting to make out with me. Since it was two against one, they had me pinned to a wall, our shirts were off, and Alex was unbuckling my belt. I struggled against them as John reached down to help Alex pull down my pants, then palmed my slight, and i mean very slight, erection. it grew with each kiss, and I found myself sandwiched between the other two, Alex lining himself up with my entrance, and John aligned his with my teeny tiny boner.

Then Alex thrusted.

It sent off a massive chain reaction, and we all became sweaty, moaning, and panting messes. I jerked John off, while he adjusted my hips. Alex gave me love bites all along the back of my neck, and I couldn't keep my mouth off john's shoulder blades. John came first, onto the wall, then me, then Alex. John turned around and slowly kissed his way down my body until he reached The Zone™ , then he began to deep throat me. Alex turned my head so we could make out. I came again into John's mouth, Then Alex made me kneel in front of him. I took his full length, and moaned as to send vibrations up his member. John thrusted into Alex suddenly, and He thrusted into my mouth. Wow, I thought while coming for the third time, What a day. And to think it started texting-


I threw John off of my dick, and pulled Alex off of me. "CLOTHES. OUT. NOW." I ran into the bathroom and sat on the floor, crying. Lafayette, I thought. i just betrayed sweet, kind, adorable Lafayette. with our best friends.

what have i done?

A/n: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i had waaaaaay to much fun with that chapter. hope you liked my first smut write ever. i've read a LOT of smut (seriously three books on here) and i STILL can't get it right. welp time to write hercxreader bai.    


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