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Everything had to come to an end.

Katelyn hadn't seen it coming from a mile away...

Katelyn POV:

I was nearly at the park and really excited about the date. The lighting looked like stars as they reflected off of the river below. The plain maroon blanket layed out beside it with a weaved basket on top which I could only assume had good within it.

All was romantic but the one thing that mattered the most wasn't hear. Where was travis? Had he stood me up? That doesn't seem like him...

My thoughts were interrupted by a sound similar to a muffled moan from around the corner.

"Travis?" I whisper yelled as I approached the tree.

What I saw could not be unseen.

Travis was making out with someone, a boy? It was zane. I had never liked zane so why start now.

I ran all the way home and locked the door behind me crying my eyes out.

My life is a lie...

I guess I was never the one in his heart anyway


A swift reminder that it is my book and I can do what I want with it. It could of ended differently yes but I fell out of the ship but I wanted to end the book. I'm aware that ending has annoyed several people but a reminder that I am a human being and I should be treated like one and not a puppet. Keep your negativity to yourself as nobody else wants it! Life lesson. Thank you for all the reads and understanding people!

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