Bad News and Good News (Chapter Six)

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David's POV:
We arrived at the doctors. I have to admit I am nervous. I'm afraid what my parents will say and especially what her parents will say. It's okay though. I love her and I always will.

We heard a knock. It was the doctor. The room was cute. It had stress balls, yoga mats, a recliner, baby toys, pregnancy fliers, a bed, and lots of other stuff. The doctor came in and shook both our hands. He sat in a chair and started to speak.

"Hello, Mrs... Dobrik and Mr. Dobrik! I am Doctor Carter. I will be your pregnancy specialist. I will help you with ultrasounds, birth, and any needs you many have. So what brings you here today?"

"Well, my girlfriend took a pregnancy test this morning. It was positive. She has been throwing up a lot. We wanted to make sure and confirm the pregnancy."

"Well, that seems pretty solid as far as a pregnancy being there. I'm going to ask you to raise your shirt Liza just enough for your stomach to show. I will pour this cold gel on your stomach. After that, I will touch you with our remote. Once I do this, your baby will come up on the screen."

"Sounds great." Liza sounded nervous. I could tell.
Liza's POV:
I was dying inside. The doctor touched my stomach with his remote. A baby came up on the screen but an even smaller one was next to it.

"Doctor Carter? What is the little baby on the left?"

"Um.. well there is no easy way to say this but you miscarried. However, you are having a baby! You had twins and well, one was more dominant."

I broke down. I started crying. David came over to me and started to caress my cheek.

"Baby girl, we still have a whole lifetime ahead of us! We also have a sweet little baby alive."

"David, but we could have two. Two sweet little babies alive. It's all my fault."

"No Liza, it's not. This would of happened no matter how you treated your pregnancy. It's rare but it's incurable so far." The doctor said.

"Thank you doc. Could we have a few minutes alone please?"

"Of course."

The doctor left the room.

David's POV:
I was upset. Liza was so stressed and I couldn't help but think I caused this. I caused the stress by making her think I wouldn't be there for her. Liza and I cried into each other's shoulders.

"Baby? Everything will work itself out."

Liza looked up at me. Her tears started to dry and she started to smile.

"Do you promise Pookie?"

"One hundred percent. Baby, this is our first baby! Our first pregnancy. Let's take it slow, and easy. This won't last forever. It will be hard and difficult but I promise everything will be fine."

The doctor walked back in.

"Do you have any more questions?"

"Yes I do. What about intercourse during the pregnancy?"

"I recommend you go easy as far as intercourse. Everything else involved will be fine. Just be careful not to be rough during sex. Is that all?"

We both nodded are heads.

We sat down in the car. Liza looked happy and mysterious at the same time. We made our way onto the interstate. I put the Tesla into self-driving mode. Liza dropped her phone onto my seat. I went to grab it for her. When she grabbed my dick instead. I looked at her. I let out a moan.

"Sorry baby." Liza batted her eyelashes.

I quickly got home and carried her bridal style to her bed. We started kissing roughly. All the thoughts of the last twenty-four hours disappeared. She started grinding on my lap, going faster on each stroke. It felt so good. I took of her bra. I gave her boobs equal attention before going any further. She stuttered with every movement.

"Y.. yes.. ba.. bbbb... yyy.."

I thrusted into her. Going quicker with each one. She started moaning uncontrollably.

"DAVID!" She shouted my name.

So I thought.

It was Liza but not moaning my name. She was standing in the bathroom.

"What Liza?"

The miscarriage was a nightmare but the sex was a dream I was sadly woken from.

"It's negative. I canceled our doctors appointment because I took two more tests. They're both negative. That's a relief isn't it?"

"Yes baby. We still have our whole lives ahead of us though."

"I know! I was just sick though."

"I'm sorry you are sick."


I looked down at her.

"What were you dreaming about? You were moaning and thrusting in your sleep."

"Oh my god." My face turned bright red.

"You have a boner too."

"Can I use the bathroom for a second?"

Liza laughed, "Yes."

Author's Note:
Hope you enjoyed! I took a quick break on this book but I'm back. Thanks for reading! (If you are confused, just comment! :) )


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