Birthday Surprises (Chapter Seven)

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David's POV:
Today was my twenty-first birthday! Liza had set up party decorations, alcohol, and fun games for my party tonight. We still had five hours until anyone was suppose to even show up. I thought Liza and I could have some fun.

"Hey babe." I snaked my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby." Liza was cleaning dishes and didn't seem to mind my arms around her.

"Ready for tonight?"

"Of course." She moved over a bit, making my arms come unraveled. I frowned.

I turned her around. Fast. I kissed her passionately. Liza jumped on me and started kissing my neck. I was too lazy to carry her upstairs. I just laid her on the couch. She took my shirt off while I pulled at hers. I kissed her boobs. She screamed. It wasn't a pleasure scream or moan. She was in pain.

"Babe, I can't feel anything." Liza said out of breath. Her eyes glazed over. "Something is wrong. Call for help." She passed out.

I held her hand while I grabbed my phone.

911: 911, What's your emergency?

D: Hi, yes. My girlfriend just passed out.

911: Okay, what happened up to her passing out?

D: Well, she was setting up my decorations for my birthday. Then, we started kissing and she screamed. I backed off of her. She told me something was wrong and to call 911. I did and she passed out.

911: Okay, well we have an ambulance on their way. What's your address.

D: Pinewood Lane 420, Los Angeles, CA

911: Okay, we are on our way. Stay on the line incase she wakes up or something happens.

D: Yes, ma'am.

The operator and I were both silent. I heard the ambulance. I ran to the door to unlock it. I dressed Liza back to the way she was before. They carried her out on a stretcher.

"Babe, I love you! You will be okay, pookie."

*At the hospital*

Doctor: Okay, sir. Liza Koshy, your girlfriend, will be fine. Liza is pregnant. She can't be having sex or any intimate moments this early in the pregnancy. That's why she passed out. The pleasure was too intense because of hormones. Most of the stuff I'm telling you is hard to explain but she can explain it better later. Come in three weeks from now, I will sign off if Liza can have sex.

David: um.. thank you Doc.

A million thoughts were running through my head. Liza is pregnant? What about the test she took? Is she okay? Let's go find out.

"Baby! Are you okay?"

"David, I lied to you."

"What do you mean?"

"The pregnancy test I took both said positive. I was happy about it but I scared that you would leave me. That's why I lied about everything. I'm so sorry. I'm such a bitch."

"Baby, no. I understand that you would be upset with me. That's no reason to hate yourself though. I love you! I'm going to stay and raise this baby with you. I love OUR baby too."

I kissed her stomach.

Liza's POV:
I was miserable. I had to face David. I had lied to him for weeks. I can't believe he hasn't noticed my bump already. The doctor confirmed I was three and a half weeks pregnant. I can't be intimate with David until I hit my two months and a half mark. God, I'm such a bitch for not telling David earlier. I can't believe I made him find out this way.

David walked in. He had a happy, glowing look on his face.

He had seen me. His face turned pale and concerned.

"Baby! Are you okay?"

David hugged me.

"David, I lied to you."

I had to tell him the truth.

"What do you mean?"

"The pregnancy test I took both said positive. I was happy about it but I scared that you would leave me. That's why I lied about everything. I'm so sorry. I'm such a bitch."

"Baby, no. I understand that you would be upset with me. That's no reason to hate yourself though. I love you! I'm going to stay and raise this baby with you. I love OUR baby too."

He kissed my baby bump.

I broke down and cried.

"I'm sorry. It was embarrassing to have to call the hospital and explain what happened to me. Then, you found out on your birthday that I was pregnant. On top of that, I lied to you. I'm such a terrible girlfr.."

He cut me off with a deep kiss.

"Don't you ever say that, Liza. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you baby girl. Nothing will ever change that."

"This is why I love you."

I leaned up and kissed him again.

"Let's take a nap."

David shut the curtain. Put a note on the door that read, "Sleeping. Please do NOT disturb."
He turned out the lights and laid beside me.

Holding my stomach. My bump. My baby.

I want to marry this man.

I will marry this man.

Author's Note:
Sorry for not updating on this story in so long. I've been putting hard focus into the TRW story. Thank you for ready! Please comment suggestions and feed back! Don't forget to rate. Love y'all. Be safe.


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