Chapter Five

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 ~Sugar ~

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~Sugar ~

Intense blue eyes trapped mine as he said, "My apologies. I didn't see you there, baby girl."

I suppressed a shiver and tried to open my mouth to say something that wasn't horribly inappropriate, but as his molten-hot voice washed over me, the only thing I could do was stare at him wide eyed.

Surely it wasn't legal for someone to sound so sinful. His whole tone seemed to drip sex, and I'm not talking about cute little fluff sex either. The only thing I could manage was nodding my head because I was certain that if I did open my mouth, then I would be asking for something to enter it.

"You okay there?" He smirked, eyes dancing with mirth as he took in my paralytic stance.

"Y- Yeah. I was just startled! It was my fault; I walked into you, so no need to apologise to me. It should be the other way around. I'm far too clumsy..." I rambled on, flushing further by the second.

"No worries. I'm glad you did bump into me."


"I'd hate to think that I would have been at this dreadful ball without meeting such an exquisite creature. You're by far the hottest little thing here," He confessed, taking a step closer to me.

The smell of lime, mint and male musk invaded my senses. I had to muster all of my will power not to crumble under the seductive smell. His hand came up to gently release my lip from my teeth, making me let out a shuddering breath.

"Don't bite your lip baby. You'll hurt yourself," He murmured, his thumb softly stroking my bottom lip.

Annnnnd... bingo!

That, ladies and gentlemen, was when my fancy underwear was well and truly ruined as Niagara Falls seemed to erupt down below. Squeezing my legs together I choked out, "O- Okay. I won't."

"Glad to hear it," He winked, "What's your name, anyway?"

"Lilac Fox. You?"

"Carl Duncan. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lilac. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I replied shyly, looking at him through my eyelashes, "How about you Carl?"

"Put it this way, I'm old enough to be your daddy," He said, a sensual smirk crawling up his handsome features.

A nervous laugh bubbled up my throat as I tried to come up with some sort of response. I cursed myself for being so awkward – what was wrong with me?

Sugar (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now