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The next day, I went into the studio limping. I already skipped the day before since Taka insisted that I rest and I wish I followed his advice instead of finding her. He'd probably kill me if he knew.

Speak of the devil.

"What happened to you?" Taka asked as I entered the room. I really hoped I came earlier before he did but this guy is so passionate about music that he wouldn't live without it.

Should I tell him the truth? That I sneaked out instead of lying in bed. Or should I make up a little white lie instead? Like I hit my toe on the table or something.

I took a deep breath. I'll tell him the truth. Maybe he'll understand. If not, he'll probably nag me all day.

"That stupid girl stepped on my foot!" was what came out instead. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. I don't think I could talk about this.

"What girl?" Taka asked, confused.

"Are you talking about the notebook girl?" Ryota said, picking up his bass guitar. I didn't notice him coming into the room.

"What notebook girl?" Taka said, looking between me and Ryota. He looks like a child being left out on adult conversation.

"Have you returned it?" Ryota asked, ignoring Taka.

"Can anyone please answer me," Taka frustratingly said.

Before I could open my mouth to answer them, Tomoya suddenly burst into the room.

"Minna! Bagels? Coffee?" he said raising the bagels on his left and coffee in his right hand.

I took a cup while Taka took a bagel and shoved it into Tomoya's loud mouth. He was looking at me expectantly.

"Remember the girl I told you during the fansigning event?" I told Taka. He nodded. "We're talking about her."

"No, I found her but that baka ran away from me," I said, turning to Ryota.

"Maybe she thought you were a thug," Tomoya said, getting another bagel. "No offense, but you look like one."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically as I glared at him. That stupid guy just grinned at me.

"She must be hella strong," Taka said laughing his heart out. I wonder how he's my friend, at all. "Serves you right."

"Maybe you scared her," Ryota said thoughtfully. "What did you say to her?"

Ryota's uncle instincts really applies to everyone. I just wish someon's taking my side in this case.

"I just told her to get in the car," I answered.

"That's it!" Taka said with a sudden clap of his hand. Ryota and Tomoya nodded their heads in agreement.

"What?" I asked.

What did I do wrong?

"Toru, you don't just tell anyone to get into a stranger's car," Ryota explained. "Especially to a girl."

Tomoya was annoyingly shaking his head at me.

"She probably thought you were a pervert," Taka smirked.

Look who's talking, I thought.

"She probably look liked Mori-chan in American Girls," Tomoya snorted. "Sorry, Mori-chan, but your acting skills sucks."

"What if I tie you up right now and throw your body in the river, huh?" Taka said, choking Tomoya with his arm. He's such a bully.

"Well, what are you planning to do now?" Ryota asked, watching the two grappling on the floor.

"Beats me," I shrugged. I'd rather not see that girl again. Who knows what will happen next. Who cares about that damned notebook, anyway?

Thankfully, Ryota didn't say anything more about the topic. I think he's being considerate of me, too. We just carried on the day, as usual. We practiced a few sets and I momentarily forgot about my injured foot and the one who caused it. If there's one thing that could take my mind off things, it's music.

"By the way, the new interns are coming later," Tomoya said as we were wrapping up for the day. Aside from food, he's always the first one to know what's happening around us. I'll bet because he's too talkative for his own sake.

"Toru, where are you going?" Taka asked as I went to exit the room.

"I'll just go for a smoke," I said, signaling him with my hands.

I bought a pack of cigarettes and went to the smoking area. I know it's bad for my health but unlike Taka, I don't have to worry about my voice. Besides, I can think more clearly when smoking.

Now that I'm no longer holding my guitar, the sense of humiliation started creeping up on me. I can no longer feel the pain on my foot but my ego has been deeply hurt. I should really get a grip on myself.

Why did I even bother looking for that girl? It's because of that silly notebook. No, not the notebook but the drawings in that notebook. Right, it's that silly notebook's fault. I should throw it away. That way I can completely forget about it.

I finished my cigarette and went to get the notebook so I could finally get rid of it. I won't probably remember it in a week. No, maybe tomorrow I'll forget about it completely.

I could hear Tomoya's voice as I neared the studio. He'll never get lost, that guy, you just have to follow his voice. It seems like the interns finally came.

"Where's Toru, by the way?" I heard our manager ask as I opened the door.

"I'm right here," I said as I entered. The intern had her back to me, I guess the other one was late. Or this one was just particularly early.

"She looks like an angel, don't you think?" I heard Tomoya say to Taka.

Well, all I can see was long wavy hair from this angle.

"She looks like a doll, ne?" Taka said turning to Ryota.

The girl should probably feel uncomfortable by now. These idiots were treating her like a specimen under a microscope.

"A fairy, I think," Ryota commented.

"Hey guys, cut it out," I said, finally joining them.

I can't believe this, I thought as I saw the girl standing in front of me. Just when I thought this is finally over. Just when I thought I got everything figured out. It's as if the universe conspired to play a cosmic joke on me.

"Ah, noodle-hair," she said in a monotone, looking at me.

It's the notebook girl.

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