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"Toru," I felt a hand lightly tapping my cheek. "Toru, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a blinding light. My hair's plastered to my forehead with sweat. My arm felt stiff and I felt disoriented for a little while. Right, we were up the hill. I must have fallen asleep. It sure felt nice having some peace and quiet once in a while. Cassie was already up, stretching.

"What time is it?" I asked, dusting off some grass from my pants.

"Nine AM," she said.

"Already!?" I asked with a jolt. I must have slept more deeply than I thought. I took out my phone and saw missed calls from at least five people. I sighed. Taka left a voice mail. Which in itself was a bad omen.

Get your ass in here right this instant, it says.

"Did I get you in trouble?" Cassie asked, a crease forming on her forehead. I noticed her eyebrows were slightly arched, which often makes a snobbish character out of her. Her hair was messy and her face was flushed. She looked like a grassland fairy, I thought, sizing her up with my thumb.

"Taka's threatened to kill me a hundred times, but I'm still alive," I said, giving her a small smile. She doesn't look convinced, though.

"I can get you there in less than half an hour," she offered. I thought of the ride on the way here and I can almost feel the nausea hitting me. It would take half an hour drive to get to the studio but I prefer to be grilled by Taka than to puke my brains out getting there,

"No!" I suddenly said and took her by surprise. "I'm not getting in the same car with you as the driver."

She smiled sheepishly at me and went to the passenger's seat. I got on the car and went down the hill. She kept quiet along the way so I decided to play some music.

"I don't think I have some classical music in here," I said, remembering she loved those. Then she started humming.

"What?" she asked after I gave her a weird look. "Doesn't mean I like classical music that I don't listen to normal music."

"My bad," I said, focusing my eyes on the road.

"No problem," she replied, tapping her fingers on the dashboard along with the beat.

"Do you play? Instruments?" I asked. She was playing an invisible piano a while ago.

"A bit," she said thoughtfully. "They said I should learn more useful things."

"Like what? Tackling a guy twice your size to the ground kind of stuff?" I smirked. I wonder who she meant by 'they'.

"Something like that," she grinned back. "How long have you guys been playing?"

"Hmm. More than ten years, I guess?" I said. "I made Ryota learn the bass in two weeks. Taka, since birth, I think. Tomoya was a teacher before he regressed to childhood."

"Woah! That's impressive," she exclaimed. I don't know which part she's referring to. "How are you guys able to do it?"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Stay together for that long," she says.

"Because we like one another?" I answered. "I can't imagine how other people can stay in a band when they don't even like each other."

"You're lucky," she nodded. Trying to comprehend what I just said.

"Don't you think the same thing?" I wondered.

"I guess I could say that I got used to people being tolerable," she shrugged. "But I think you guys are good people. And there's Mel, too."

Was that what she was doing the whole time? Tolerating me? She clearly wasn't, the first time I met her. Not the second time around either. But somehow her demeanor changed when she found out we were to work with one another. She got along well with the others while I was away. So I guess I was the one who had the problem. I should have tried to make amends with her sooner. I think I didn't expect her to be so amiable.

When we reached the studio, Taka was waiting for us. Why do I feel like I'm doing the walk of shame? I was prepared to face his wrath when Cassie placed herself between us. Taka looked at her, then at me. I shrugged.

"I'm sorry. Toru's car was just so cool I took it out for a ride," she said, her hands clasped together in front of her. "It's all my fault."

Did she just do what I think she just did?

"Toru?" Taka said, unable to believe what he just heard. "Toru did that?"

Cassie nodded.

"You should have told me. Then you two could have hanged out a bit longer," he smiled at her and patted her head.

"We'll talk later," he scorned at me.

Talk about a sudden about-face.

"That was scary," Cassie said facing me and giving me a wink. I think she knew how Taka let her off the hook easily. I can't say the same for me.

"You didn't have to do that," I said. I'm used to Taka's stubbornness anyway.

"I would want to see you still in one piece at the end of the day. He looked like he was ready to tear you into pieces," she said.

"Well, thanks anyway," I said. "I better go before Taka drags my ass in there."

I followed Taka into the music room where Tomoya jumped me as soon as I opened the door. Ryota was sitting cross-legged on the floor, smiling. Taka hit me on the head with his palm, but it wasn't because he was angry. I think he looked quite happy.

"You finally listened to us, didn't you?" Taka said, grinning from ear to ear. That baka wouldn't stop hitting me just for the sake of it.

"It was the first time Toru didn't get along with anybody," Ryota added. He was much worse than me when I brought Taka before. He just wouldn't talk to him no matter how hard I tell him to open up to him.

"I'm sorry Toru but I'd choose Cassie over you anytime," Tomoya screeched in my ear. He still haven't gotten off my back so I dropped him on the floor. He's just got the mental capacity of a five year old.

"Ittai," Tomoya said, as his butt collided with the floor. "Hidoi."

"What's the fuss all about?" I said. I knew this guys were crazy but this was a whole new level of craziness. I think they've all gotten too fond of Cassie.

"We're just glad you two came along," Ryota said. "She's a nice girl. She just didn't know how to approach you. I think you realized that by now."

I nodded.

I did.

But she was more than a nice girl.

But I can't find the words to describe her.


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