5 Impressions

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"Hey," I called to the guy with the green hair. What was his name again? All I can remember is he loves eating and sleeping.

"Tomoya," Mel whispered beside me.

"Tomoya," I called again.

"Yes?" he asked, finally turning around. I handed him the slam book he gave me a few days ago. I totally forgot about it until it magically showed itself to me this morning. I didn't know such thing still exists. Even grade-schoolers prefer to use Facebook.

"Seriously, Cass? It's been a week. How can you not know their names?" Mel said as I went back to our station.

"Uhm, because I'm a visual learner?" I answered. "We're not really good with names. And I know Ryota."

Ryota, the bassist. He's really nice. He reminds me of my uncle.

"That's not good enough," Mel said, exasperated.

I knew Mel sent our applications forms to them first. A couple of them, actually. But I really didn't think we'd get them. I was merely patronizing her because I knew it's impossible. Turns out it isn't. That girl must have used all her luck in this lifetime.

And every day fandom is just too much for me to handle. Call me stiff, but I'm just not cut out for that thing.

"Look, that guy," he pointed to the short guy with the blue hair. "What's his name?"

It was probably because of her tenacity that she was my friend. I sighed. She won't stop until I knew the names of the members of her beloved band.

"He's the vocalist, right?" I shrugged. At least I know who's who.

"That's Taka. T - A - K - A," she spelled.

I nodded.

"Of course, I already told you. Tomoya is the drummer."

Again, I simply nodded.

"How about the guitarist?" she asked, looking around but he's nowhere to be found.


The one who was missing from the event. The guy who bumped me. The guy who took my notebook. The guy who tried to kidnap me. Yeah, I knew him.

First impressions last. And that was more than one.

Mel sighed. "How long are you going to call him noodle-hair?"

"What? His hair looks like noodles," I said defensively.

"His name is Toru, okay? Toru Yamashita," she said, as if talking to a preschooler.

"Are you talking about me?" A voice boomed behind us. It's noodle-hair. I mean Toru.

He was blatantly ignoring me. And I was doing the same thing.

"Taka was looking for you," Mel told him. Unlike me, she's already pretty comfortable with the band members. Good for her. I'm the awkward one here.

Toru just nodded and went away.

I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until I finally let it out as he turned his back on us.

"Woah, he's so cool!" Mel said, dreamily, resting her head on her palm and watching him walk away.

"I thought you like Taka?" I asked. She totally had a crush on him.

"Of course I like Taka best," she said, her voice turned into a whisper.

I guess it's unethical to have favoritism in the workplace. Taka's the front man, so the spotlight must be on him. Mel also told me he came from a family of singers.

"Want me to get you some coffee?" I asked when I noticed Mel yawn. She stayed up late last night finishing a season of Korean drama. Yep, she's into Kpop, too.

"I'd love that," she said smiling. "Kamsahamnida."

Told you so.

I made a face at her before I went out to get her coffee. There wasn't much to do here anyway. We've been sitting for hours and my legs are getting numb.

"Cass!" I heard Ryota call as I went out the hallway.

"Oh. Hi," I stopped as he walked towards me.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.

"Coffee for Mel. And maybe for the others, too," I answered.

"I'll come with you," he said. "My treat."

"How's your internship going, so far?" he asked as we went to the nearest coffee shop. It wasn't too far. Just enough for a short walk. The weather was nice, too.

"It's fine," I said. "I just think there isn't really a lot for us to do around here."

"How about the guys?" he said, referring to the band members.

"Believe it or not, I just learned their names today," I said. "Mel grilled me this morning."

"Seriously?" he said. I guess it's not really normal for me to not know the names of the people around me. Blame my indifference.

"Yeah. It actually took me a month to remember Mel's name." Even though we were hanging out together in the library every day. She was a friend of a classmate. I never thought we would become this close.

"I must be honored you knew mine," Ryota said exaggerating.

"Well, you kinda stood out because you barely wore a shirt," I laughed. I wonder how he never catches a cold staying out in the open like that.

"Sorry. Does that make you uncomfortable?" he asked we entered the cafe. The aroma of coffee beans floating in the air.

"No. Not really," I said, honestly. I really don't like seeing half-naked men but somehow it doesn't bother me.

"Four coffees to go," he said to the lady on the counter. "How about you?"

"I'll have a smoothie," I answered. I don't really drink coffee. I prefer tea or fruit shakes anytime.

"And two smoothies," he added.

"It's Toru, isn't it?" he asked as we took a seat, picking up from our conversation earlier.

"We're pretty civil," was the only word I could describe our relationship with.

"You're not much of a talker, aren't you?" he said, smiling. "You remind me of someone."

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Myself," he said, reminiscing. "When Toru came with Taka, I didn't really talk much with him for like one year."

"You guys seem really close now," I pointed out. They're closer than bandmates and friends. Almost like a family. I actually envy them.

"Yeah, I thought Taka was intimidating but turns out that he's a really good guy. You just have to get to know him," he said, drinking his smoothie. "Same with Toru. Just give him some time."

Toru, huh?

We didn't really have a very good start. I wonder if time could actually make some difference.

I gave Ryota a small smile. "I'll keep that in mind," I said.

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