Misgivings of a Scribe

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Salutations dear reader. 

I welcome you to this chronological observation of events which I have fastidiously written down in this journal of sorts. 

As you read through this record, one can only hope your taste for flesh has been appeased, as a permeable affliction once ran rampant through our streets.

Perhaps another would have been preferable as the voice of the narration to come, however, it is to your misfortune that I am the sole scribe remaining. You may refer to me by the name Silva-Chaos-Knight, and while I go by many names elsewhere, this shall be my title for the foreseeable future. *On occasion shortened to SilvaCK

There is not much of myself I can share, save that I am a mere writer and even worse swordsman. Of published works I have few , but by no means of any renown. 

Regarding this delve into what has been deemed the "30 Days Of Undead Summer", it is not my first foray into what you may know as Z-Fic. Many years past, I was granted a great reward for a particular piece of writing regarding the much feared undead. The inspiration for that particular work had origins from the East (an East of the future). This original piece garnered enough attention to travel West where it was renamed to Resident Evil, avoiding litigation.

While I may have departed from the generic retelling of mindless, infestations known as zombies, I have not ceased to tell tales of the dead visiting the living - both bodily and in ethereal form.

What follows now is not merely a tale of awe and wonder. Rather, it is a recounting of my strenuous days through Summer.

Let us begin.

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