The Expendable League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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My selection will feature celebrated icons, however with a slight... twist.

Dr. Jekyll/Hyde

The good doctor might provide great help with his intelligence and body altering potion. Imagine we infuse the potion with the cure, becoming strengthened beings immune to the viral infection. Tearing zombies apart with our bare hands.

Also I would definitely infuse the cure into him, in case he turns and suddenly we have a zombified Hyde to contend with. No thank you.

Morgan Le Fay (Morgana)

Ah, the great fay and sorceress Morgana, an apprentice of the great Merlin himself. While her ambivalent personality and morality might be of some hindrance, I would have no doubt she would be useful nonetheless to our survivability. We would keep an eye on her...

Victor Frankenstein

What he lacks in physical strength, Victor makes up for in intelligence. He might also help in reverse engineering whatever plague caused the zombie apocalypse in the first place. He did manage to impart life to non-living matter after all – and the "monster" proved intelligent. We could command an entire legion of the undead through science alone! Combined with Dr. Jekyll's potion and... well perhaps world dominance is achievable.


A royal Elf of both the Noldor and the Teleri, she boasts both power and beauty. Blessed with the ability to peer into the minds of others, judging them fairly, she will be the contrast to Morgana. She keeps her ambition sated (having refused the Ring and its power in spite of everything) and will be both a guide and light in a dark world.

Sherlock Holmes

Nuff said.

Grace O'Malley

A chieftain of the Ó Máille clan, and an Irish pirate queen. Her fighting skills are great, her exploits are legendary, and she has high contempt for cowardice. In short, she might very well lead the charge against the undead. Also, she can sail and that's useful.


This actually sounds like it could be a fantastic z-fan-fic

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