Adventures of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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In the Great Battle for The East, Morgana La Fay betrayed us.

"Told yah she'd run." Victor Frankenstein whispered. Groans emanated from beyond the thick walls of Taiyuan No. 3 Prison in the Nancheng District of the Shanxi province, China.

"I had hoped her mind pure following our recent escape." Galadriel sighed. Her flowing robes had been replaced with drab military attire, as were the rest of us, yet she still maintained her regality.

"We should have never recruited her in the first place." Victor interjected gruffly. We had lost Dr. Jekyll when his potion wore off in a battle with a horde. Grace O'Malley had managed to pilfer a military ship for us, only to be ambushed on the hull as we approached China.

We had lost much of our fighting capabilities.

"We may be low in numbers but I deduce a greater help shall be availed to us soon." Sherlock said. He walked slightly imbalanced as he'd outfitted his attire with layers of cloth.

"How so?" Victor asked with raised brow.

"Well, during our travels, I planted a small radio device to Morgana's clothes. Listening to her ramblings which I deciphered to be a spell of some sort. From what I could glean, it was a way to open a portal back to her dimension. She'd been practicing."

"So she's calling reinforcements?"

"Ha, not that wench no. She definitely means to escape." With much difficulty, Sherlock pulled a two-way radio from the layers of his clothing, as well as a second smaller device with a button. "The radio device I attached to her has a slight alteration."

"What does it do?" Victor asked, approaching the rotund detective.

"Wait and see dear boy."


Morgana let the dinghy drift across the Fen River, lip curled in disgust at the pawing undead attempting to reach her only to drown in the waters. When she was far enough in the centre of the river, she raised her hands to the air and in a loud voice began to recite an incantation.


Sherlock had led the group to the prison yard, using the mechanics to ensure none of the undead entered. He placed the two-way radio on the ground and amplified its sound. Soon they heard Morgana's enchantments blare through the speaker.


The very air above Fen River and Taiyuan Prison shimmered with the power of the spell. Victor stared, mouth agape as visions of Camelot formed before them.

"Time for the second step." Sherlock said, unwrapping the cloths around him. It was then they noticed the inscriptions on the rags. He laid it around the portal.

"What are you doing? Galadriel asked intrigued.

"I've been studying Morgana's incantations and created my own spell. Of course I am no sorceress and cannot wield her abilities, but these cloths are Morgana's garments during our travels. Her essence and these incantations will work as our own substitute sorceress. But first."

Sherlock moved to the two-way radio and clicked a button.

"Her Morgy." Sherlock spoke into the radio.

"What in... who's there?"

"Your pals Sherlock, Victor and Galadriel. Hey listen, we want to personally thank you for expanding our team with more Arthurian characters."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing you need to worry about anymore. By the way, I left a present for you."

With that, Sherlock raised the device with the button. He clicked it and an explosion bleeped before the radio fell into silence. Sherlock moved to the opened portal and began to twirl about it, reading the incantations off the cloth as he moved.

Soon enough three silhouettes appeared from the portal and came tumbling in.

Sherlock moved one of the cloths aside and the portal squeezed itself shut.

"Merlin, Arthur, Lady of the Lake... welcome to the zombie apocalypse."


I can't seem to keep word counts below 500 without sacrificing clarity. Also, more drama as Merlin and Viviane a.k.a Lady of the Lake, have their own tragic story...

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