Genesis: Master Silva

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Tuesday, February 11th 2025

Antonio Da Silva arrives on the premises of IBB Technologies as the biochemistry prodigy from the University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. At the tender age of 21, he is the youngest graduate and most prominent employee at the largest manufacturer of high-quality enzymes.

Saturday, October 7th 2030

Antonio Da Silva creates an enzyme derived from microbial, animal and plant tissues, with remarkable results. The enzymes, combined with specific nano-technology, is able to not only attack viral cells, but also eradicate them efficiently to reduce viral population within a host body to 5 percent.

Rodent test subjects manage to replicate the new enzymes, preventing viral infections from causing sickness. Various maladies are introduced into the host test subjects. The hosts barely display any symptoms and within a day, 80 percent of the viral infection is exterminated.

Wednesday, 21st July 2032

Antonia Da Siva is flown to an isolated plant with underground access to Cardiff University, Wales. Human testing begins. The results are not as impressive but are significantly better than all previous attempts.

The human body is unpredictable. While a few human test subjects display improved resistance to viral infections, a larger number reject the enzyme and either regress or perish.

Human trials are ceased.

Monday, 2nd January 2035

Antonio Da Silva begins unofficial human trials on an improved enzyme. The results are unprecedented. Human test subjects respond positively to the enzyme. However, within minutes they begin to deteriorate rapidly and perish.

To Antonio's shock and horror, the nanobots continue to exist within the corpses, reanimating the bodies to create what can only be described as zombies.

From the programming it appears the nanobots are seeking a living host, hoping to move on before their current deceased bodies fail completely.

Biting is their best chance as the enzymes in the saliva are able to transfer the nanobots to a new host where they replicate.

Within minutes the reanimated bodies have overrun the facility.

Tuesday, 3rd January 2035.

Protocol 8 is activated by the government. Radioactive bombs are dropped on the isolated manufacturing plant with the purpose of eradicating all evidence of the zombie outbreak.

Antonio Da Silva finds himself trapped within the glass enclosures used to keep test subjects separate. From beyond, a horde bashes against the glass, hoping to procure the remaining "live" body on the premises. In his hands is the only cure he managed to grab before escaping. Only there is no hope he will ever use it.

It is then that the greatest miracle on the planet occurs. The dropped bombs sweep through the building. Glass and cement explode. Only, in the swirling heat, to Antonio's astonishment, the bodies attempt to fend off the blast and flames that approaches. For what seems like an eternity, he watches all the undead bodies glow in an ethereal purple haze that encompasses everything.

And then they too exploded.

Unknown Date

Antonio Da Silva wakes on the riverbed of the Kings River in Sándorné with little to no memory of who or where he is. His lab coat, and most of his clothes are shredded. Glass shrapnel is lodged into chest and cuts line the right side of his face. In his arms is the vial case to a cure he will now never need.

A horse drawn carriage stops before him. A noble couple out on a romantic excursion that has become a rescue. Antonio is transported to the nearest healer. There he recovers slowly and painfully.

The only identification they have is the charred plastic access card with a single name on it.


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