The Summoning

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Quite a dilemma I am faced with here, as I hope to draft a fine selection of fellow Wattpadders whom I hope will survive long enough to both entertain and protect me. Thankfully there's a fine selection of creatives able to achieve the former. As for the latter, one can only hope.

First and foremost fictionaljenn is a fellow zombie aficionado and the coolest chick I know. We have a running Resident Evil love that extended towards both Live-Action and Animated series. We also banter on all things horror, anime and writing. If one would be able to entertain, while creating a worthy weapon to yield it with both vigour and a maniacal face of glee, it would be Jen.

Ah CarinMarais the queen of my writer's heart. Her fictional tales shall carry us through the late nights as we survive yet another encounter. She is also skilled at crotchet which would be of utmost importance in the winters.

I recently stumbled upon the works of Pixee_Styx whose real name is Sam Smith, and not the famed musician. Judging by the tales writ by this talented author, I have no doubt we would live long against the infected. He also enjoys similar authors such as Clive Barker and Stephen King which requires a mental aptitude able to handle the horrors we would face.

Davidkummer7 Young. Sporty. Healthy. Has experience and patience as the caretaker of his younger siblings. He shall be the front runner and scout of the group. With some training, he would be skilled in both swordsmanship, archery and becoming our long-range gunman. Also, his youthfulness and humour may help lighten the mood.

Lastly, WattZombie and AngusEcrivain will supplement the remained of the team. The amount of knowledge AKA and Dan carry regarding the undead, ought to carry us through both harsh times, and the quiet lull of escapism.

I am well aware that a majority of the members in this rag-tag faction are writers of horror. That was my intention. 

As a particular feline once articulated, "We're all mad here."

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