Cold and Distant

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*Edit on- 06/23/17

[Green's POV]

Today, I met up with Red in his usual cold ice mountain and decided to take him on! I'm going to finally beat him in his own game!

"Alright, Red! Let's do this! Once and for all! Let's find out who the real champion is!" I announced and got ready to send out my pokemon for battle.

Red said bluntly "Wasn't that decided when you lost against me?" he stated with a blank face, I felt upset by his claim "Hell no! That was then, now I'm strong and ready to take your throne!" I said with pride.

Red shrugged "Okay... Let me know when you're ready, I guess" he said coldly, I've spend my days with Red before but, today he seemed off. He usually doesn't mind me battling him but, at the moment it seems like they're something in his mind.

I took a pause and walked up close to Red, which made him flinch a bit "Red, are you okay? You look like something is bothering you?" I pointed out and Red just stared at me with a surprised look "Nothing is wrong, Green..." he said coldly again and started walking back inside his cave.

I rushed to him "What are you doing?" I asked. Red faced me and said "Today doesn't feel like a day for me to battle... Sorry..." he apologized and grabbed a stick, poking the bond fire within his cave.

I gently kicked a pebble "You know, today I feel like staying here for a bit" I said, honestly. I had a feeling I need to stay with Red a bit longer, he doesn't look like he's happy. Even though he doesn't show it, I can feel it and perhaps it's because we're rivals that I know this very well.

"Red, tell me what's bothering you?" I asked, filled with concern.

Red looked away from me "You wouldn't understand..." he mumbled and it almost felt like it he wanted to solve it on his own.

"Red-!" We both flinched as my phone started ringing loudly throughout the cave. Red looked up at me "Go ahead, answer it..." he said, emotionlessly.

I nodded and answered my phone "Hello?"

L: "Green! It's Leaf!"

I smiled "Oh! Hey, Leaf! What's 'down'?" I said with a corny joke.

L: "Seriously, Green? Look I know you're in the mountain but, I need your help right now! It's urgent!!"

I replied "Leaf, now is not the time! I'm with Red, right now..." I said, feeling a bit annoyed.

I felt surprised when I heard Leaf giggling over the phone "Ooooo~ well, well, Romeo sorry if I interrupted you're dating with Juliet~" she said in a teasing manner and continue to giggle more.

I felt bashful by her conception "W-What the hell!? Leaf!? Me and Red aren't-!"

B: "I know, I know! Geez! You're such a closet case! Just bring Red with you if you hate being seperated by him~"

I didn't know how to respond, my eyes directed at where Red was sitting, minding his own business and playing with the bond fire again.

I guess I have no choice then "Alright! Me and Red will be right there shortly..." I said my final answer, which I think Red heard because I didn't hear the sound of wood clicking onto one another.

B: "Great! See you two later!"

Leaf said cheerfully and hanged up with my final answer to her.

I walked up to Red with pride "Alright, Red! Pack up! We're going down this mountain to Kanto!" I smiled brightly but, Red moved away from me "No... I'm not going... Let Leaf know I'm sorry..." he continued to move the wood around but, I couldn't give up to that.

"C'mon, Red! Leaf needs us!" I said to him but, he ignore my presence as if I was a ghost to him.

'Dammit... Why is he so distant!?'

I walked up near him "Red! Talk to me! Please!" I shouted to Red, pleading for him to respond to me.

But then, Red said four words that made me snap "Green... Just go away..." he brushed me aside and continued with his business.

Who the hell does he think he is!? Telling me to leave him! Something came over me and I jump onto him.

I was on top of him and holding his arms down against the cold cave rocks. Red stuttered "W-What are you doing!?" he blushed very brightly, which surprised me. I've never seen Red with a feverish face before, until now.

"Tell me, why won't you talk to me!? Am I nothing to you!? Why are rivals if you treat me like I'm nothing, dammit!" I shouted and felt a bit heart broken.

I saw his face and how surprised he was "Tell me! Do you hate me or something?!" I asked.

Red shook his head "No... I don't..." he averted his eyes from me.

I felt relief a bit "So why are you avoiding me?" I asked.

Red didn't look at me for a moment but, then faced me and reveal his amber red eyes to me. I've never noticed how big and red his eyes was, it mesmerized me.

I blushed and got off of Red 'T-The hell!? What was that? I almost thought he was... Cute...'

Red stand up and tugged my shirt "Green..." he said quietly.

I looked over to him and replied "What is it, Red?" I asked.

Red looked down as if he felt ashamed "W-What is it like t-to have someone to l-love?" he stuttered to his question and blushed a lot.

I felt a bit bashful too "H-How am I supposed to know that?" I scratched my head and nervously laughed.

Red glanced up at me "You're dating Leaf, right?" he asked.

I flinched and shook my head quickly "No way! I only see her as my little sister!" I stated, which seemed to make Red feel better somehow.

'Has Red been thinking about this the whole time? Maybe that's why... Wait... That can only mean one thing!' I said to myself, understanding the situation more clearly.

I grabbed Red by his shoulder "Red! I understand why you're upset!" I said quickly. Red's face became feverish again "Y-You do?" he asked in an nervous tone.

I nodded my head "Of course! You're in love with Leaf! But you don't know how to work it out!" I declared proudly but, Red averted his eyes "O-Oh... Really?"

I stood up and pulled him along with me "That's right! But I can only help you if you tell me how you want it to be done!" I crossed my arms, I feel like I won today because Red has no idea or clue on romance but, I do! So this will be a piece of cake!

Red clenched his fist "There is one thing you can do to help me understand..." he muttered.

I smiled and patted him on the back "Well, alright! What would you like for me to do?" I looked at me and await for his answer until, he said "Be my lover..."

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