It's Not Jealousy

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[Green's POV]

Ruby shook my shoulder and noticed how upset I looked "Green, are you okay? Why do you look so mad?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine!" I said coldly.

Ruby poked my face "What? Your anger about Red making with the ladies while being in the background?" he laughed and hit his hand repeated on the table.

Sapphire walked in and hit Ruby's head "Ruby! Don't be so insensitive!" she yelled.

Ruby whined "What did I do, Sapphire?~" Sapphire pulled onto Ruby's ear "You're coming with me! Sorry Green about Ruby's behavior, let's go now!" he said and dragged Ruby across the room.

Ruby whined again "Sapphire!! Why are you so mean??" he pouted. Sapphire shouted in the distance "SHUT UP!" her voice disappeared as they move farther away from me.

I stared back at where Red was and didn't honestly know how to feel right now.

My body moved on it's own and I'm somehow hiding behind an object, eavesdropping on Red's conversation.

I know these girls! They hanged out with me, Gold and Leaf one time!

Platinum said "Red! Your hair is so fluffy!" she was ruffling Red's hair so casually and he seems to be allowing this!?

Red bluntly replied "You think so?" he asked and tilted his head innocently, which made the girls squeal quietly.

Crystal snuggled against Red's arm "You're so precious, Red! I wonder why Green can't see that?~" she giggled.

Red said with no emotions "Yeah... Sometimes I wonder if Green thinks I'm a burden..." Yellow quickly said "Don't even think that! Green is just hard to get you know, sometimes I think he's being a tsundere~" she smirked.

Red asked "What's a tsundere?" he wondered. I facepalm myself about how Red's lack of outside knowledge can be.

Yellow giggled "Tsundere means a person who is stubborn with the person they talk to or have a crush on~" she said, playfully returned Red's hat back to him.

I flinched by her conclusion 'What makes her think I'm a tsundere!? I'm not stubborn and I don't have a crush on Red! HE PISSES ME OFF!' I said to myself and hit my hand against the wall without drawing their attention.

Red scratched his head "Okay... I have another question, Green never answers this..." he said.

Crystal smiled "Sure! Ask away!" she replied with a positive attitude.

Red asked loud enough for only me and the girls to hear "What's sex between two people mean?" the girls and I froze from Red's personal question.

Platinum blushed "S-S-S-Why would you ask that!?" she asked.

Red replied "One time, Gold mentio-!" I hurried covered Red's mouth before he continued.

Red's eyes widen "Green?" the girls were as surprised as he was.

"Ladies! I need to borrow Red for a bit!" I nervously laughed and dragged Red away from the girls and the party to an empty hallway.

[Red's POV]

Green pushed me against the wall "What the hell did you think you were doing!?" he yelled, clenching onto my collar shirt.

"Why are you mad?" I asked.

Green glared at me "Because you asked an indecent question to random girls you hardly know!?" he said, grinding his teeth.

He made me even more confused "You said to make friends, obviously I wouldn't know them at the start..." I said bluntly.

Green quickly replied "Yeah! But I didn't tell you to flirt with the female trainers!?" my eyes widen from Green's remark, I felt surprised that he noticed I was talking with the girls at the start of our bet.

"Green... The girls came to me, it's not like I asked them to speak with me"

Green suddenly shot back at me "Quit screwing around! I saw how happy you look, pervert! You think you're hot shit or something?!" he said harshly to me.

I clench my fist and hit the wall "Same goes for you! Way back before I hid in the mountains, every girl we spot you always have to flirt with them! Don't act like you're an innocent angel, you jerk!" I yelled.

Green crossed his arms and glared "So you admit you we're flirting with them!?" his eyes burned with anger as much as mine did. However, it was for a completely different reason. Green is pointing fingers at me, as if I did something wrong! It's so annoying!

I removed my hat and ruffled my hair back with frustration "Why do you have to act like a jealous boyfriend!?" I questioned, attempting to brush Green's grip off me. All of a sudden, Green's grip became tighter around my collar shirt, as if he didn't want to let go.

Green stuttered "L-Look.... It's not like I'm jealous or anything!? Cause I'm not!" he shouted again, suddenly I feel his whole body trembling against me from his grip.

Oh, Arceus! Why can't Green be honest with me?

I patted his head, sighing "You can cry if you like..." somehow it offended Green in some way.

Green glared at me "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked harshly.

I replied "You look like you're about to cry..." I smirked a bit, brushing my fingertips against the side of Green's right eye.

Green pinched my cheeks "Don't get too cocky on me!?" I reached my hands around his waist and tickle his quickly.

"HAHAHA!! R-Red!! Hahaha! S-Stop!" Green laughed so hard, he released his grip on my face. We laughed so hard that the both of us lost our balance and collapse on the floor against the thin walls.

I stopped tickling Green, and started laughing a bit "Says the guy who's obviously jealous of his lover..." Green paused and was left speechless.

Crap... I said the wrong thing, didn't I? But Green was mostly staring at me and wasn't moving.

I tilted my head "What's wrong?" I studied our situation, Green's hand was above me and I was standing against the wall. I even noticed how close our lips were. Green's face became red and so was mine, this isn't suppose to happen.


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