The Icy Mountains

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Edit- 06/14/18

[Red's POV]

"Green, what are you doing here?" I asked but, Green stared at me and tears to form from him.

"....." Green's eyes widen, feeling tears fall down to the palm of his hand. Pikachu and I felt surprised that Green started crying.

We rushed over to him when his eyes became teary "Green, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I reached out to Green but then, he slapped my hand away.

"Pika?!" Pikachu shouted angrily as Green slapped my hand away.

"I'm not crying!" Green shouted, obviously holding back his emotion.

Stubborn as always.

I whispered to Pikachu "I'm okay..." I said, ruffling his hair.

I rested next to Green and set the wood branches onto the bonfire. Watching the flames arising more and slowly consuming the fire wood.

Pikachu poked my arm "Pika, Pi?" he asked if I'm okay.

I smiled at Pikachu and ruffled his fur, whispering "Don't worry, Pikachu...I just need some time to speak with Green alone" I said.

Pikachu nodded his head "Pika!" he said cheerfully.

I smiled and pat Pikachu's head to reassure him that I was okay.

My heart started racing as I took a glance at Green and I flinched as he stared back at me.

I became startled and tried to start a conversion from this awkward silence "H-Haha... So... What are you doing here?" I nervously said.

Green mumbled "I could say the same for you..." he clenched his hands against his jacket.

I sighed "I had unfinished business to do..." I said, poking the bonfire with a stick.

"BULLSHIT!" Green shouted, which startled me.

I shouted back "It's true! I just came here to um... Think... Ok-!"

Green interrupted me "Liar! You came here to run away! I heard everything from Gold!" he yelled.

"Y-You do? Y-You know.... e-everything..." My face started to feel hot, Green knows I like him.

[Green's POV]

Now Red is obviously aware that I knew he would be going back to living in the mountains. There's no way in hell I'm letting that happen!

I crossed my arms, replying "Hell yeah, I do! Instead of running away from the problem why can't you just explain yourself!?" I asked, angrily.

WTF RED!? Why did he had to tell Gold he was hiding here from me!? Keeping this as a secret from me! I know things got awkward earlier but, still I... I don't want Red to disappear on me...

"Red, let's g-!"

"How!?" Red suddenly spoke. Red clenched his hands onto his shirt "How can I when it hurts so much!? Green... You know how I feel..." he said, looking a bit wobbly and his eyes were tearing up

I felt confused but, I think I understand what Red meant "Look, Red... We've been rivals for a long time now, I don't think living in a mountain wil-!"

Red continued and said "I can't help it... I fell in love with you... even though I know you don't feel the same at all..." he said, leaning closer to me with sad eyes.

Wait... Woah... Wait... Did Red admit he's falling in love with me?! I was planning to wait until we got home but...

I stuttered as Red approach to me more further "I-I... Um... R-Red... Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, nervously.

Red smiled as his cheeks turn bright "I don't know....How I feel is hurting so much but, I want to be close to you..." he said, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I blushed "R-Red!" I turned my head away from him but, then Red suddenly kissed my neck.

"Gahh! W-W-What are you doing!?" I asked, covering my neck.

Red smirked "It's hard to kiss the right way when you move your head, scary-cat~" he said, playfully and looking a bit flushed as if he was drunk.

I said, ruffling his hair "Red... Did you drink something weird you look a bit drunk?" I asked, feeling a bit worried.

Red placed his hands over mind "Green... You're so warm... Just like last time..." he smiled and playfully laughed.

What does he mean by 'last time'?

"Red, wha-!"

I jumped as Red kissed my nose "I love you..." he said, shivering as he snuggling against my chest.

I reached up against Red's arm "Red, I don't understand...!" I flinched as I felt his cold skin against my hands.

He's freezing!

"Green..." Red called my name, I felt his forehead and he was burning up?!

He has a fever!?

I yelled "Red, you're freezing! We need to get you warm, come on let go near the bonfi-!" Red stopped me by leaning up against my lips and kissed me.

It was only for a second but, I felt flustered "Wha-Why did y-you do that?" I asked.

Red smiled at me "How do you feel about me, Green?...." he asked but, his voice traced off as he suddenly fell on the rough grounds of the cave.

"Red!?" I rushed toward his unconscious body and check his forehead "Shit! You're temperature's too hot...wait..." I listened closely to Red's heavy breathing and felt his cold hands touch mine. Damn, he's getting worse. I have to get Red to a hospital quick.

I carried Red up to Pidgeot "Come on, Pidgeot! We have to get Red to the hospital, now!" I said, glancing over to Red's cold body before we instantly flew off to Pallet Town's hospital quarters.

We arrive at the hospital, I couldn't let Pidgeot inside. This was something I have to do quickly and I didn't have time to waste.

I quickly spotted grandpa on the front desk "Grandpa!" I shouted.

Grandpa turned to me and replied "Green? What's wrong? What happened to Red?" he asked.

I quickly response "I went to look for Red and I found him hanging around in the cave of the ice mountain. We talked for awhile then, Red... He... He... Suddenly..." I couldn't finish my words, I felt overwhelmed by this situation and I started thinking it was my fault.

Grandpa patted my back "It's okay, Green... Don't worry, Red will be okay. Now, bring him over here." he said, directing me to a room.

I followed him and placed Red on the patient's bed "What's going to happen now?" I asked.

Grandpa smiled "Don't worry, Green. Red will be okay, I'm going to do a blood test and make sure the cold didn't damage his breathing since he is wheezing. I need to give him an IV, other than that, you can wait here. I'll be right back" he said, exiting the room and leaving me alone with Red.

I sighed and stared at Red's unconscious body that started to freeze more "Don't worry, I'm here..." I said, and touched his forehead against mine.

I'm not going to let you go...

I already knew when we became rivals...

So please Red...

Don't leave me...

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