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"How dare you interrupt this lady's day?"

The hooded guy's deep and husky voice makes your knees want to give out. Honestly, it feels like a sledgehammer to them. He stands in front of you, his arm extending out, keeping you behind him. Keeping you safe and protected.

"She's been driving my patience!" The drunken man takes a step towards you.

The hooded guy gives you a little push back and You fall back into the bar seat. You gasp. The hooded guy swings at the drunken man knocking him out with just one punch. One punch! The man collapses on the floor and bar cheers. You feel your heart beating so fast and your nerves going crazy. You look at the once dangerous and intense man on the ground. Your eyes then fall onto the hooded guy's shoes. This hooded guy saved me. Your eyes scan his body as you look up to meet your hero in the eyes.
However, you could not see them. The shadow of his hood plus the poorly light area. There was no way to see him and look him in the eyes to sincerely thank him.

"Are you okay, my lady?"

Oh, his smooth voice. You open your mouth to respond but no words come out. You have no voice. You start to have a mini panic attack. Not only can't you see his face, you can't talk. Suddenly, you feel his hand on your shoulder. You look up at him desperately just to see some of his face, just a tiny bit.
Nothing. You can't make out anything.

"Hey, it's alright. you're safe with me, [you]."


"[you]! Hey, wake up! It's after eleven."

I feel Ximena shaking the fuck out of me. I open my eyes to stare my ceiling, adjusting them to the light coming from the window. Soon enough, there is a pounding in my head. It was just a dream. I rub my forehead as I sigh. Why was it a dream? I kick my leg out in frustration than the other.

"Damn, why are you so mad?" Ximena sits down on the bed, looking down at me.

"Nothing. I'm just-- My head hurts."

"Do you need some Advil?" She pushes her lips together as she nurtures me. I sadly nod in response.

"Okay." She gets up and leaves my room. She's still in pajamas. I guess, she just woke up too. I stare back at the ceiling. I vaguely remember what happened last night. One thing I remember for sure is that guy. My hero. I really need to stop calling him that. It's too extra. It's not like he's Superman or Chris Evans. God, Chris is the definition of a man. A man. No brain, stop! It is too early for this. I reach under the pillow patting around for my phone. Nothing. But I tell myself that there is no need to freak yet. I check the other side. Nothing again. I quickly sit up, regretting it instantly. The pounding got worse. I search for my phone on the night table. I roll over to check the floor. No no no. Where is it? I pat under my bed, hoping to find it here.

"I brought two-- what are you looking for." Ximena's voice startles me.

"My phone. It's not here. Is it in your purse?"

"My purse is still in the living room. I left it there last night. I'll go check. Here!"

She hands me the pills. I pop them in and grab the cup from her hands and swallow them down. I set the cup on the nightstand. I find a pair of socks and meet Ximena in the living room. She's digging through her purse.

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