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August 22nd, 2017

[you]: jungkook!!!
You're releasing a cover????

kookjung: let me think. 🤔🤔

[you]: 🙄🙄🙄
But omg jungkook I've been waiting forever for another cover of yours!

kookjung: it hasn't been that long. You're exaggerating.

[you]: I'm simply the entire fandom rn. Everyone is so excited!!

kookjung: well I'm excited too 🎉🎉

[you]: 🎉🎉

kookjung: so... are you not going to ask why I picked 2U

The smile from my face quickly fades. I think I might know why he picked it. It's quite narcissistic so I don't want to say it but also, I read over my drunk texts from the other night. I completely embarrassed myself and the entire fucking country. The morning after, I literally wanted to end it all. Why? Why would I send voice notes! Why are those even a thing?

[you]: because you like Justin Bieber a little bit too much

It was the safest answer. Like Jungkook would sing me a cover! Just the thought of that made me feel uneasy.

kookjung: that's one reason.

[you]:  there are two reasons?

kookjung: yes.

[you]: why did you pick 2U?

kookjung: because
It's a good song to listen to when you're feeling down.

I reread the message over and over again. The uneasiness feeling came back. This time feeling even more intense.


August 30th, 2017 11:00 am est time zone

kookjung: https://soundcloud.com/bangtan/20170901jkbday
What do you think?


12:00 pm

I drop my purse on the floor as soon as I enter my sanctuary of a room. I lift my arms and stretch. I had an interview at a restaurant not that from far home. It went pretty well. Hopefully, they hire me. I desperately need once since I quit my last one. I lay on my bed and disconnect my phone from the charger. I accidentally left it when I left in a hurry this morning. I play the link Jungkook sent me. The first second played and I already loved it.

[you]: jungkook! It's good.
Your voice is a blessing to all of us! :)

kookjung: I was waiting for your response.
I worked hard on it.

[you]: the fans love it! The replies are filled with love and support!

kookjung: yes. They're also filled with birthday wishes.

[you]: oh crap, it is your birthday....
Happy birthday jungkook!

kookjung:  you said it at last.

[you]: I knew it was September 1st. but that is until tomorrow. I forgot the time difference was too much. Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?

kookjung: yes. But we're up late. It's common now, don't worry.

[you]: just make sure you get  sleep. The whole eight hours!

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